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"Jade Amelia Thirlwall, if you don't get up right now...your going to be late for your appointment" I said, pulling the covers off of her. Today was Jade's doctor's appointment for the baby and she was acting like a whining child. Basically like Perrie and refusing to get out of bed.

She had finally brought her new house yesterday and it was amazing. It was big like the rest of ours but not too big considering it was only going to be her and the baby for the time being. She wasn't officially moving in until this weekend since she was free then so she was still at mine. She groaned and reluctantly got out of bed and silently made her way to the bathroom. I picked her out an outfit and laid it on the bed and made my way downstairs where Rhea was sitting and watching cartoons.

"Hey Ri-Ri" I said, catching her attention. She got up and hugged me. "Hi mama" she said and took my hand as we walked to the kitchen to see Andre and Chloe in there doing whatever. Rhea ran to Andre and hugged him too while I took Chloe. Chloe had already surpassed her tenth month so her little teeth were already slowly but surely growing. "Mama, why are you dressed up?" Rhea asked while Andre made her a bowl of cereal. "I'm going with Auntie Jade to check up on the baby" I said, pulling Chloe away from my face as she tried to take a bite out of my cheek.

"Is the baby ok? Is it something wrong with it?" Rhea asked, worriedly. I shook my head, "the baby is fine bub. Were Just going to make sure and see when the baby will get here" I told her and sent her a reassuring smile. She nodded and continued to eat her breakfast.

When Jade came down, Chloe moved her legs enthusiastically and made a toothy grin as she reached for her. Jade took her and sat next to Rhea who babbled on to her about how she couldn't wait for the baby to get here. She bent down and spoke to the baby. This became a routine for the two ever since Rhea found out she was pregnant. She would go into Jade's room first thing in the morning and get in bed with her and have a full conversation with them.

When it was time to go, me and Jade got into my car and drove to the doctor's. Every once in a while I would ask her how she was feeling since I knew she hated being in the doctor's office for any reason and since this time she's here for the growing fetus inside her, I could see it in her eyes that she was nervous as hell.

When I pulled up to the building, we slipped our hats and glasses on but she didn't make any intentions to make any movement. I turned to her, "don't stress about it Jade. The baby is fine. Were Just going in for a quick little checkup then we'll be out. I already know how much you hate this place so I promise it will be quick" I said, giving her a pep talk. She bit her lower lip and nodded, taking in my words.

We got out the car and went inside. I was happy I made an afternoon appointment because it was barely anyone in here. We got taken straight to a room when we gave the lady at the front desk our name. Jade sat on the bed while I sat at the chair next to her. I could visibly see her body slightly shaking. I took her hand and rubbed my thumb on her knuckle. "Stop stressing, it's bad for the baby" I told her and she laughed lightly.

When the doctor came inside, she greeted us with a warm smile which I reciprocated and smiled back. Jade sent a small, nervous one back to her. she came over with her clipboard and went over to the machine to set everything up. "I'm dr. Brown, how are you feeling Ms. Thirlwall?" she asked, looking at her clipboard to make sure she didn't screw up Jade's name. "I'm fine actually. I don't have any morning sickness and I only get headaches once or twice in a day" Jade told her. she nodded and wrote things down. "seems your one of the many lucky people during pregnancy's" she said. she got out the gel that she was going to rub on Jade's stomach and hooked up the machine. "this is going to be cold" she warned Jade who just nodded. 

when she rubbed the cool gel on Jade's stomach, Jade laced her hands with mine since she was really nervous. when we heard a beep, we saw the ultrasound of the baby. he or she looked like a little bean growing. "you seem to be about 10 weeks pregnant. although, the baby is growing very slow but that's normal so don't worry. you Just have to make sure you eat more" she said, making sure not to startle us with the information she gave us. we let out a sigh of relief and nodded. she wiped the gel off of Jade's stomach and handed her a printed out sonogram of the baby. "In 11 weeks, I want you to come back to see if the baby is growing and you can find out the sex then" she said and we nodded. we thanked her and left. 

"Excited?" I asked Jade as we got in the car.

"Excited? Yes. Completely shitting my pants for these next coming months? Also yes" she said.

Hi babe's! I'm very sorry for the no updating. I've had a lot of breakdowns and absolutely no motivation to write. And other stuff like that yeah yeah. I'm going to try and update atleast once or twice a week until I get myself back again. Enjoy this!

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