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"What the hell are you doing here Jordan? How did you find her?" Leigh asked when they found him, sitting up along my car.

He sat up, opening his mouth ready to give Leigh an answer to the question she asked but quickly shut his mouth when she put her hand up, signaling him to shut his mouth.

"You know what? I really don't care why your here but you need to get the hell away from her house before I call the cops" she said and took my hand and led us to the car. Jordan sighed and sat up off the car to let Leigh get in the car. Before we pulled off, Jordan put is hand on the door, getting a glare from Leigh-Anne.

"Leigh, please. I just want to talk. I want to explain what happend. Please? And I-I want to see jade. face to face, only If she lets me of course" he pleaded. He looked me in the eyes with the same pleading eyes. Me and Leigh exchanged looks, silently having a debating discussion on what to do until I finally gave Leigh a final glare, ultimately winning the debate.

I turned to Jordan with a curt nod, "Me, Leigh and Jesy will speak with you. I can't promise you that Jesy won't beat the hell out of you the first when she gets her hands on you so you better get to talking when we all sit down and talk" I said. Jordan nodded, satisfied with that answer and backed away. "Do you have the same number?" I asked. He shook his head and wrote down his number on some paper in his pocket. When I had it, I put it in my purse.

Before he walked away, I called out the Window, "and please Jordan, do not come back around here until after we talk. It's best for jade if she doesn't see you yet" I told him, giving him a sad smile. He nodded and walked away.

When he was out of our viewing range, Leigh turned and smacked me on the shoulder.

"Why'd you tell him we will meet him? Did you not forget he put his hands on her? Jesy is going to kill him!" She exclaimed. I glanced at Leigh-Anne for a quick second.

"He's still the father of the baby Leigh. Regardless of how he did her, I think we at least need to hear his reasons behind putting his hands on her" I explained. Leigh-Anne nodded, understanding my reasoning but still slightly cringed at the mental image of Jesy repeatedly punching Jordan when she lays her eyes on him. "We talk to Jesy after Norma comes over to watch her" Leigh said causing me to make a sound of agreement.

After we got back from the shops and picking up some food, we went back inside Jades house to only see Jesy sitting on the couch. when she spotted us, she stood up and took the bag of food out of Leigh's hand. I lifted my eyebrows, confused on where Jade was. Jesy noticed my face of confusion and spoke up. "Jade went upstairs to take a nap. Norma should be her in half a hour" she said, putting Jade's food bin in the microwave.

When we all had our food and were sprawled around the living eating our food and making small talk, Leigh-Anne looked at me, silently telling me to bring up Jordan. I made a face, asking her why it had to be me and she shot me a dagger, telling me to do it. Jesy saw our exchange in facial expressions and spoke up. 

"So are one of you gonna speak up about whatever is going on or continue to make facial expressions at each other?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. Leigh shot me a look and I reluctantly spoke, "when we left the house earlier, Jordan was sitting along my car" I paused when I saw her face change from confusion to anger. "what did he want? how did he know she would be here?" she asked, shooting out questions laced with irritation and anger. "I don't know but he said he wanted to speak to Jade. claiming he want's to talk to her face to face and explain his reason for putting his hands on her" Leigh said with a scoff. before Jesy could completely shut it down and object, "I told him us three would speak him first. Jade doesn't need to see him and make her stress rise. we can at least hear him out. he is the father of her child after all" I said Justifying myself and explaining. 

Jesy sat with an agitated face. "I don't know pez, he literally hurt her and Impregnated her on purpose. I don't think he should her at all. he doesn't even need to know about the baby" she said. I nodded my head in agreement at her words. "I know Jes but it isn't our choice whether he knows about the baby or not. it's Jade's. and I didn't say he had to see Jade. I only agreed to us talking to him. I doubt whatever excuse he has is Justifiable enough to allow him to see them but it wouldn't hurt to hear him out" I said. Leigh let out a sigh and nodded in agreement. " I don't like Jordan at this very time and point but she's right Jesy. it won't hurt to hear him out" she said. Jesy nodded. "fine, we can meet with him somewhere secluded from being seen by paps sometime next weekend. I need to prepare myself to see his face" Jesy said and made a disgusted face causing me and Leigh-Anne to let out a little chuckle. 

I pulled out my phone and the piece of paper with Jordan's number from my purse and sent him a text. 

***- ***-****

Me: hey J, it's Perrie. Me and the girls will meet you somewhere secluded next weekend to talk.

***-***-****: Ok, Thank you so much Perrie.  


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