➍ Nothing Fishy Going On

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"Tha Book o' Dragons..." Gobber stood at the end of a long table and slid the book towards us, "...Rewritten."

"Haven't we already read this?" Snotlout sighed and rested his head on his hand, unimpressed as always.

"Yeah, but the last one y'all read was wrong. Stoick had it redone to include err'thing we found out and to remove err'thing we were wrong 'bout. We've got more than one copy now so two of y'all can share one."

Fishlegs, who was sitting next to me, quickly snatched a copy and flipped through it furiously.

"Did you know, Scauldrons have really flat bellies that swell to store water?"

"...Good to know." I nodded, unsure of how to react to the sudden remark. I was forced to share the copy with him and I spent the rest of the day hearing random facts about dragons while trying to keep up with Fishleg's quick reading.

It was pretty informative, to be honest. It's also pretty intriguing how Fishlegs can fit all that information in his head. He offered to walk me home and we had a nice chat along the way.

The same usual questions surfaced: why I was only just joining dragon training, why I stayed with Gobber, et cetera.

We waved goodbye when we reached my house and I went inside. The fire in the furnace was already lit and the fragrance of bread baking away lingered in the air.

"I'm home!" I called, taking my coat and helmet off. I slumped down onto the small sofa and decided to rest my eyes. Our house was two stories high. The ground floor was just big enough to fit the furnaces, a workbench, a small sofa that could barely fit both of us together, a dining table and four chairs. Upstairs, Gobber's bed was against the right wall and mine was against the left wall. Next to my bed also sat a small bedside table where I have decided to keep my helmet. Although it was quaint, our home was very cozy. Just 5 years ago, people would have to rebuilt their homes twice within days. Today, we don't have to worry about having our houses being burnt down by Monstrous Nightmares of Deadly Nadders.

I got up and looked around the house for Gobber, but he was no where to be seen. I brushed it off, he was a pretty busy guy after all.

I put my apron on and decided to help him with some of the blacksmith work. He taught me how to create the sharpest of swords and sturdiest of shields when I was a kid and helping out was pretty normal. I melted some iron chips down and poured it into a mould. A straight blade was too mainstream and ordinary, so I curved it and dunked it into water to cool it. The faster you do it, the stronger your metal turns out. I then removed the mould and beat out any dents with a hammer. Finally, I roughed out any uneven areas and sanded the sides down. I then pulled out a small log and began carving a wooden handle with a template. After the general shape had taken it's form, I picked up my art knife. I liked fancy and intricate designs, so I carved dragons, flame trails and many more onto the wooden handle.

After everything was complete, I stepped back to take a good look at what I just made. Something felt amiss. I picked up my knife again and carved a hole on each side of the handle, then ran upstairs and grabbed a box from my bedside table. From the box I took out two dark purple jewels. Gobber said I was clinging tightly onto these when he found me and he gave them to me to keep for my 16th birthday. I fitted them into the two holes that had already been drilled into the handle. At last, my sword was complete. It looked like a short-handled scythe but I had never seen anything quite like it. Proud of my own work, I decided to keep it for myself.

Time had gone by quickly while I was at work. I looked out the window and saw Gobber walking towards home. It was dark outside and the moon hung hugh in the sky, indicating that it was way past my bedtime. I kept everything and scrambled upstairs at lightning speed. I heard the door creek open and crept into bed.


|Author's Note|

Sorry for the delayed update, but here it is! I understand if you feel like these few chapters are just fillers but as a literature student, I find character development really important. Characters need depth and background and Ellie needs time to bond with the other people on Berk rather than instantly and unnaturally becoming friends with everyone so do bear with me for these few chapters! For those who have been thoroughly enjoying the story thus far anyway, thank you so much, it means a lot to me. Do continue to give me your honest opinions in the comments, vote if you want to see more and follow me to get updates! :)

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