⓬ The Dragon's Out of the Bag

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I slowly opened my heavy eyelids, only to be greeted by the bright morning light.

"Morning, Elleh," Gobber's familiar voice rung through my head. I braced one arm against the bed and one on the wall next to me and slowly sat up.

"Hey Gobber..." I rubbed my eyes, my vision still blurry and body still aching.

"Hey Ellie," Another familiar voice immediately jolted me up, "You were passed out for two whole days."

Hiccup sat at the end of my bed and also seated next to him was Ruffnut. Astrid stood beside me and Fishlegs, Snotlout and Tuffnut all sat on the floor. But just then, I realised I wasn't wearing my cloak, but instead a thin hoodie I wore at home with two zips at the back for my wings. I quickly folded my wings to hide them despite knowing that I couldn't.

"Did you really expect us not to know already by now?" Astrid laughed a little, but not in a mocking way. I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair to straighten out my bedhead.

"You were great out there," Ruff smiled and elbowed me in the side and Tuff added, "Yeah, saved us all."

But I didn't dare look them in the eye. I kept such a big secret from them, one that they deserved to know as my friends.

"I'm sorry I never told you guys earlier."

"Nah, that was my fault," Gobber said, still sitting on his bed across the room.

"We understand and we don't blame you," Fishlegs kindly reassured me. I still felt a little uneasy but I just brushed it off for now. There wasn't any point holding on to petty regrets anymore.

"Drago's locked up in the cells now and we had him tell us everything," Hiccup explained, "The Bewilderbeast is now on our side too and he's helping expand Berk."

"So what did Drago say? And since when did we have cells?"

"The cells under the Great Hall and pretty empty, to be honest, but that's good. Drago talked about Aricin, you, and the Bewilderbeast."


"Yeah, he did, half sis."

I was a little shocked but I smiled. It was true, I was created from Valka's DNA too.

"Where's Sidus?" I asked, slowly getting out of bed, "Is she alright?"

"She's fine, ay theenk she's still sleepin'."

I climbed down the ladder and found Sidus sound asleep outside, just as Gobber had said, despite it being nearly midday already.

"Wakey wakey!" I patted Sidus' side and shook her a little. She opened her tired eyes and got up.

"Hey..." She greeted, clearly still half asleep, "You're not wearing your coat?"

"Nah, the whole Berk already knows."

"I see... I guess you know my full story now too."

"Not completely, but care to fill me in?"

"21 years ago, Drago found me and drugged me. I woke up God knows how long later and the next thing I knew was that I was passed out next to a lady. Drago laughs to her about having taken our DNA and fused it to make 'the ultimate weapon' for himself. When the experiment was complete, I escaped with you and Valka. We conveniently ran into Cloudjumper who took Valka from there and I dropped you off on Berk. I knew Night Furies were rarer and hunted so I flew further north and went into hiding. For 21 years I hid and life was miserable. Eventually, Drago tracked me down and drove me out of hiding. After being on the run for several months after that, with no permanent home, I crash landed on Berk."

I paused for a while and an awkward silence hung in the atmosphere. But finally, I spoke.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I can't imagine having to live like that for so many years. But you're strong, much stronger that I ever can be."

"No, you were born strong. I trained myself to be strong. We started from different points, travelled different roads, yet our paths cross and we eventually reached our destined and common goal together."

I gave Sidus a tight hug and I may or may not have let a tear slip.

From then on, things were pretty normal at Berk. We still had dragon races, we still attended dragon training as usual, and I still helped Gobber with the blacksmith work every now and then.

Hiccup's chief duties got busier but he proposed to Astrid and they finally got married after so many years of dating.

Astrid now helps Gobber train new students at dragon training and, unsurprisingly, she is a strict yet effective teacher.

Snotlout continued spending a large amount of his time with Hookfang, but he also matured quite a bit. I guess some people just take longer than others to grow up. He did eventually walk in his father's footsteps to be Berk's second-in-command, after Hiccup, and looks after our food supply. He also has an on-and-off-again relationship with Ruff but who knows what those two are ever up to.

Fishlegs started the first few proper schools in Berk bevause he believed in "ensuring children have a stable education". He was the principal and now is the Head of Education in Berk.

Ruff and Tuff decided life on Berk was getting a bit too boring so they pioneered the first sight of entertainment this island has ever seen: a pub. And it turned out to be a massive hit. I guess vikings all just want to wind down after a boring day of work by dancing and drinking. Ruff and Tuff also have ideas for a distillery to keep the booze coming but for now they're taking one step at a time. I, for one, love dancing and drinking too so I do drop by the pub pretty often.

As of now, I've been put in charge of dragon welfare. I'm basically the doctor for dragons and I do a bit of research as well. Tuff and I have grown pretty close after all that time I spend with the twins. We might be dating... I think for now it's safe to say yes, we are.

And that's really all for now. No one's going to disturb the peace in Berk any more but should trouble come our way again, we're more than ready to fight.

[ The End ]


| Author's Note |


This book might seem short but considering that my chapters are up to 5 times longer than other books on Wattpad I think I did alright.

But anyway, I hope you guys liked it and didn't find the ending too abrupt! The last two chapters were the longest in the book and pretty much the hardest to write. It's sad to see it finish but all good things must come to an end.

I'm currently working on an original story and what I can tell you right now is that it's basically about a bunch of teens, alternate dimensions and learning to control the natural elements. It's written in third person, not first person like this story. Do look out for it if you're interested! I definitely have more fan-fiction ideas for other fandoms but I'm going one book at a time for now.

Once again, thank you so much for your continuous support, especially for making it all the way to the end! All the views are overwhelming and I love reading all those comments from you guys. I will still be listening for what you guys have to see and for any feedback. But for now, see you soon!

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