⓫ Drago and Aricin Bludvist

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"Come on, Sidus!" I mocked as I flew past her. I was leading by a metre or so and we were nearing the finish line.

"Oh you think you're funny?" She scowled and with a violent beat of her wings, overtook me in one move and sped through the stone arch that indicated our end point.

We both landed back on the roof and were still panting from the race. I had never been forced to fly that fast ever in my life.

"Fine," I smiled and pat Sidus on the back, "You win."

We hopped off the roof together and after drawing some water for Sidus, we sat on the grass and stargazed. Berk was literally in the middle of nowhere, but that made it perfect to see the Aurora Borealis and the edges of the Milky Way. The night sky was an art piece of its own and we felt like we could stare at it forever.

After a while, I got up and hugged Sidus before going back inside so we could both get some sleep.

The silence that hung in the atmosphere was calming but I knew a storm was brewing. We knew something out there's coming.

We spent the following week or so training intensely. From flying to running and even aiming fireballs, I made sure Sidus mastered it all.

But the hype was shortlived. One training session, a loud rumble echoed through the island. Everyone was taken by surprised. Out of curiosity, most of us ran to the source of the noise: the ocean.

Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff and I all dashed to the front to see what the commotion was about. What stood before us left us in horror and disbelief. It was just as Gobber had said. Our worst nightmare was back.

It was Drago Bludvist.

He was proudly perched atop his Bewilderbeast, a staff in one hand and a leather rope attached to the dragon in the other.

"You thought throwing me into the depths of the ocean would end my life? You were mistaken. When I say that I'll never give up, I keep to my word."

Everyone took a few steps back, except for Hiccup, Astrid and I. None of us saw a reason to be afraid and we stood our ground.

"You failed once, Drago, and you will fail again." Hiccup gritted his teeth in anger and Toothless protectively stepped in front of him.

"I failed, but no, I won't fail again!" Drago whipped the leather rope and the Bewilderbeast crawled out of the waves. It placed one foot on the docks, crushing the boats like ants, and slowly made it's way up.

Everyone scrambled onto their dragons, drawing the swords and raising their shields.

"Where's your mum?" Astrid frantically asked Hiccup.

"She's out exploring again and she won't be back for a few days so we're on our own."

Drago and his Bewilderbeast were now standing proudly in front of the Great Hall but I could've screamed out loud at what I saw next.

A young boy, of about 10 years old, appeared out of nowhere and stepped up onto the head of the bewilderbeast to join Drago by his side.

"Say hello to my son, Aricin Bludvist." Drago announced and the little boy extended a pair of light blue dragon wings.

Yes, you heard me, DRAGON wings. I was as stunned as you are.

The little boy smirked at the look of shock on everyone's faces and Drago continued: "Did you really think I didn't have a backup plan? I always had one, for 10 years!"

Hiccup glanced at me for a second and I could understand why. I wasn't the only half dragon out there.

"What do you want, Drago?" Astrid shouted, interrupting his little parade.

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