➒ Strength and Will

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"So ya ain't a good fur nothin' strawb'rry after all," Gobber joked as I positioned my trophy on a bookcase.

"Good for nothing? I bet I can do more than you!"

"Get those arms of yurs beefed up an' then we'll talk."

Pondering on what Gobber said, I realised that I hadn't been doing much physical training. I put a coat on and found Sidus lazing at the back of our house and decided to see how we both compare.

"Physical training?" Sidus cried and slumped on her back, "I'm still dead beat tired from dragon racing!"

"C'mon, get off your lazy arse!" I gave her a shove and she simply rolled over. After a few pokes, at her side Sidus finally crawls up but immediately collids with me. We wrestled, my palms against hers, feet pushing hard against the ground. It was a friendly fight, sparked solely by her laziness.

Pushing her with all my might, what happened next to us both by surprise: I shoved her over.

"Where did you get that sorr of strength from?" Sidus got up and quickly dusted herself.

But before I could even reply Sidus, I heard a familiar voice from behind.

"That was one hell of a heave you got there," Astrid smirked, leaning against a rock.

"Ah Sidus was going easy on me," I quickly covered up, "Her way of insulting me, really."

"I see... Hey, you wanna go grab a bite?"

"Sure!" I smiled and motioned to Sidus to be good while I was away.

At the dining hall, we set our plates of bread and mugs down at a table near the fire. Summer was slowly fading away so it was nice to be indoors more.

"You and Sidus semm really close," Astrid commented, "That's surprisingly fast for someone who knew nothing about raising dragons just a few months ago."

"Hey, Hiccup knew nothing when he found Toothless too, right?" I laughed, hoping she wouldn't pry further.

"Yeah, I guess so. Speaking of Hiccup, how have you been getting along with everyone else?"

"Alright, I guess. Hiccup goes out of the way to help people, Ruff and Tuff are really funny, and Fishlegs knows perhaps a bit too much about everything. Snotlout... Ah I don't even want to associate with thay guy."

Astrid laughed at the last one and we continued chatting on for quite a bit. Time flew by and soon it was evening.

"Ah it's already getting dark out, I should head home." I took a final sip from my mug and slammed it onto the table. Much to my horror, it cracked.

"W-woah..." Astrid stared, mouth gaping slightly.

"It was broken before I took it from the shelf, ah what was I thinking..." I hastily responded. Lies, I knew, were all I could say.

I hurried home after that, my mind swirling from what happened. I licked my shoes off and began cooking up dinner.

Gobber came home from another day of grooming the dragons and came to helo with preparing dinner too. As the soup simmered down, I grabbed the pot's handles to bring it off the stove. But with a high-pitched screech, the handle bent in where my fingers had gripped it. In complete disbelief, I immediately let go and stepped back.

"W-what's going on???" I panicked a little, my head swirling with a thousand thoughts.

"Ya alright, Elleh?" Gobber asked with a face full of concern.

"I wrestled Sidus today and won in half a second. I smashed a cup by accident in the dining hall and now this. Gobber, what's happening?"

"Ay don't know fur sure... But calm down, Elleh, let me think." He brought the soup off the fire for me and paced up and down the kitchen, occassionally stopping to stir the stew.

"Ay think it's not just the appearance of a dragon that you have, Elleh," He finally said, "Ya already know ya have the fiery breath of a dragon so Ay'm not surprised if ya have their unfathomed strenth too."

It made sense but I began to wonder: If even at 21 we're botj still learning more about myself, what more can I do? And I began to fear myself slightly, was a built for destruction?

"Elleh, ya have great power but just because you found out something new today, it doesn't make ya any different than who ya were yesterday. Ya're still the same girl ay know with a destiny that ay'm sure is as great as what ya're capable of."

I smiled and threw my arms around Gobber. He was right, and I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't there to teach me along tje way.


| Author's Note |

It's the long awaited new chapter! Forgive me if it's mundane, boring or just lacking all sort of creativity because I've been having a writer's block recently. I swear I try my best and I hear you guys rushing me but I thank you all for supproting me anyway! I'm close to half a thousand and that's absolutely mental, if you ask me. Thank you guys so much, every single one of you. It honestly means a lot to me and helps me keep going on.

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