~ Epilogue ~

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Y/n's P.O.V.

"Y/n, it's time to get up!" B/n said, pulling the covers off of me and onto the other side of the bed. "Okay, I'm up!" I groaned as I rubbed my tired eyes. It took a little while to wake up, but within half an hour, I was fully awake and ready to head over to the Hynes household. Mom and Dad had us dress up for this, which I found weird, but I did it anyway. I changed into a f/c dress and a pair of ballet flats, putting on a small amount of makeup to cover up the acne I was getting from the heavy theater makeup.

"Kids! Are you ready to go yet?" Mom called as I put on some chapstick. "Yeah! One second!" I said, quickly rushing downstairs to join them while we waited on my procrastinating brother. I loved him to death, but when it came to keeping us waiting, he was a pain in the ass. "Alright, I'm ready!" He called out. Once he made it downstairs, we finally walked out of the house and walked across the street. Inside my head, I was praying that today would go well. Once they have this whole feud settled, Louis and I will tell them about our relationship. I  hope they won't be too upset.

Mom lightly knocked on the door, and it opened a few seconds later. A girl with long blonde hair answered. I assumed that it was Louis's sister, Lara. "Come in. Mom! The L/n's are here!" She called out, looking back at the staircase. Mrs. Hynes came down a minute later wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black yoga pants. Suddenly, I started to feel like we had overdressed. "Come in, take your shoes off," she reminded us. B/n and I looked around the living room for a moment, and it looked like your average living room.

"Can I get you guys anything to eat or drink?" Mrs. Hynes asked as Mr. Hynes, Lara, and Milo sat next to her. "I think we're alright, but thank you," Dad answered. "Mum, are they here yet? I've been waiting for-" A familiar voice called from upstairs. I looked up to see Louis was at the bottom of the staircase, his eyes widened. "Y/n!" He smiled. I stood up, and I ran towards him, embracing him tightly in my arms. "Wait a minute. How well do you two know each other?" Mom asked. Louis and I looked at each other with slight hesitation, but he nodded, silently telling me that now was a good time as any to tell them the truth about us.

"Mom, Dad, B/n, we were planning on telling you later, but gathered that this is a family meeting, we should tell you the truth. Louis and I have been secretly dating," I admitted. The three sets of eyes went wide, and I had a feeling that they were going to yell and scream. 

But they didn't.

Instead, they asked what we did when we were together, and we told them that we just hung out like we were friends and kiss a few times. Nothing more happened between us. "Louis, is this true?" Mrs. Hynes asked. "Yes, Mum," Louis answered. After a few minutes of slight interrogating about our relationship, our parents started talking about what caused the feud, the missing puppy. 

Mrs. Hynes explained that the day before we moved into the neighborhood, they had gotten a baby Rottweiler, and the day we came here, they opened the front door for just a little while, with the doggy gate in the doorway. Somehow, the dog managed to get through and escape, and when they noticed it went missing, she explained she heartbroken and angry, and she wrongly blamed us for the puppy's escape.

"I didn't think about what I was saying, and I'm sorry for thinking you took our dog," She finished. Louis and I looked at each other, vaguely remembering the dog's escape. We were young kids. "I accept your apology," Mom said, holding her hand out for Mrs. Hynes to shake it. A look of surprise spread across her face as she reached over and shook her hand. I don't think she expected my parents to instantly forgive her.

"Does that mean it's over?" Milo asked, looking over to his father. "Yes, the feud is over," Mr. Hynes and my Dad nodded. Louis and I let small cheers, and we hugged each other so tightly. Louis and I looked into each other's eyes and smiled. "Y/n, I love you," Louis smiled. It was the first time he had said that. I was stunned, but I was happy. "I love you too, Louis," I smiled before we crashed our lips together and shared a passionate and long kiss.


Ten Years Later...

Y/n's P.O.V.

My mind still couldn't wrap around it. Our parents had finally ended the feud between the Hynes and L/n's, and now Louis and I were able to tell the world about our relationship. In ten years, a lot of things had changed. After the meeting, Dylan came over to my house and apologized for the way he left things, and he said that if I wanted us to remain friends, that was okay with him. He ended up finding love soon after that.

He met Malina. They had a lot of things and common, and they soon got together. After high school, Louis and I attended College, where we both studied theater and graduated with our major degrees. Almost immediately after graduation, Louis and I got engaged. We had our wedding at this beautiful chapel in the heart of London, and let's just say the whole time, Louis and I tried our best not to cry tears of joy.

We were now in the same park where Louis and I first met, walking down a concrete path. It was autumn, and the smell of crispy leaves filled the air, and the fallen leaves were crunching underneath our feet. "Daddy! Mommy! Look!" Our three-year-old son, S/n, pointed out as a dark grey rabbit hopped past a pile of orange and red leaves. "Yeah, that's a rabbit!" Louis chuckled. A cold breeze blew past, and a small whimper escaped our baby daughter's lips. She was only two months old, but I could already tell that she was going to be a mommy's girl by the way she snuggled against my chest in the sling, hoping to get warm.

We took a seat on a wooden picnic table. "Can I play in the leaves?" S/n asked. "Go ahead, baby. Just stay where we can see you," I smiled. He grinned, running off towards a pile of leaves, and jumped into them. He played around in the leaves for a little while, as Louis and I looked down at our baby girl, D/n. She looked almost exactly like Louis, whereas our son looked more like me but had his father's personality.

"Thank you," Louis whispered. "For what?" I asked, looking up at him. "For meeting me here ten years ago, for helping me come with a plan to bring our families together. And, thank you for agreeing to marry me and giving me two beautiful children," He gushed. My heart began to melt inside of my chest. "Your welcome, Louis. And thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world," I smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

"Your welcome,"

A Secret Romance Louis Hynes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now