Chapter Ten

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Louis' P.O.V.

That night, I tried to get some sleep, but it was hard for me because the only thing that was on my mind was Y/n and the time that we spent together. Honestly, I never expected Y/n to kiss me on the cheek, every time I thought about that kiss, I felt my cheeks start to blush a deep red. No way, I can't be falling for her, am I?  I  just met this girl, and after that kiss, my heart started to race a hundred miles an hour and I was wondering if she had feelings for me.

Even if she did, we couldn't let anyone find out, not even our closest friends. Eventually, I felt my eyelids start to grow heavy, and eventually, I fell asleep thinking about Y/n. That next morning, I woke up and I heard the sound of my alarm clock going off. I was not looking forward to going back to school, but at least I would get to the occasional glance of Y/n. When I went to the bathroom, I saw that I had small bags under my eyes. It wasn't that noticeable, but you could still see a light shade of purple.

"No, not today," I whispered to myself, I had no idea I was going to get rid of the bags before school started. Then, I saw my sister's foundation resting on the counter. I started to feel uncomfortable at the thought of wearing makeup to cover my bags, but it was either that or get made of for not getting enough sleep. I decided to take that risk and I carefully applied some of the foundation.

I kept looking at the door hoping that Lara would not walk in and see using her makeup. As I finished blending the foundation under my left eye, I heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly placed the foundation back in its original spot. I was very glad that the left eye was the last eye that I was working on. I walked out of the bathroom acting like I had just finished using the toilet.

At breakfast, I spent the majority of the time staring down at my plate and barely making any eye contact with my family. "Louis, is something wrong?" Mum asked. I looked up slightly and then shook my head. "Are you feeling sick?" she asked. I then realized that I could get out of having to go to school today. Even though I would miss my chance to see Y/n again, I didn't want her to see me wearing makeup to cover the bags. "Yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night to throw up," I lied.

My mum leaned forward and felt my forehead and apparently it felt hot, so she sent me back to my room. As I changed back into my pajamas, I got a text, and I saw that it was from Y/n.

I'm not going to school today, I saw I had bags under my eyes, I can't let you see me like that.

I was surprised, I had no idea that Y/n was having the same problem. I looked out across the street and I saw Y/n was sitting at her desk looking out the window. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, and I quickly responded to her as I heard the sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs.

Louis: I'm having the same problem, I faked being sick to get out of school. I won't think of you differently because of bags under your eyes.

I quickly hid my phone underneath the blankets and I snuggled deep into the blankets as the door opened revealing my mum. "Hey, are you going to be okay home alone today? I have to run errands all day today," she asked. "I'll be okay," I answered fake coughing. "There's small cups of noodles in the pantry if you want some for lunch," she said before shutting the door. When the footsteps receded down the stairs, I pulled out my phone again and sent another text to Y/n.

Louis: Hey, if your parents are gonna be out of the house today, do you want to come over so we can hang out again, maybe watch a movie?

A few seconds later, I got a response from her, and the moment I read it, I started to smile.

Y/n: Sure! My parents and brother will be gone all day. See you soon! 😊

A Secret Romance Louis Hynes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now