Chapter Thirteen

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A week later...

Y/n's P.O.V.

The secret flirtations with Louis went on for the next week, the more we got closer to each other, the more my feelings for him started to grow stronger, and I had high hopes that I would be able to tell him that I loved him soon, but it too soon to tell him that. Whenever we were at school, I would occasionally glance at him and smile during passing period.

It was hard to act like I hated him in front of my brother and friends, but somehow, I managed to play the part perfectly. It was the day of auditions for Romeo and Juliet, and I was really scared, I really wanted to get the lead role so Louis' and I's plan would be set in stone. "Hey, can you tell mom and dad that I'll be home later? I'm gonna audition for Romeo and Juliet," I said to my brother as he got his stuff from his locker.

"Sure, but I thought you didn't like Shakespeare," B/n said looking over at me with a confused look. "I never said I didn't like Shakespeare, you've seen me read the scripts so many times," I said. That wasn't a lie, I had been reading the scripts ever since middle school and I always aspired to be an actor because of it. 

I walked into the theater where I saw about twenty-five people sitting in fold-up chairs, then I saw the familiar brown hair of Louis. As much as I wanted to sit next to him, I didn't know if one of our friends could be auditioning so I decided to not take the risk. I sat a few rows behind him and I sent him a quick text saying...

Y/n: Hey, I'm a few rows behind you. I hope that doesn't sound weird.

He looked behind me and smiled and waved. Before I could send him another text, Mr. Robertson came onstage and started the auditions. "Alright everyone, welcome to the auditions for this year's play! For those of you who don't know who I am, I'm Mr. Robertson, the drama teacher and the director of this year's play," He said.

He went on to talk about the audition process saying that anybody who wanted to audition should line up against the right wall and anybody who wanted to build the sets and work behind the scenes should line up on the left wall. When I got in the line, I saw that I just inches away from Louis. "You nervous?" he whispered. "A little bit," I answered. The line moved up slowly, and Louis and I watched as other people auditioned for different roles.

So far, not a lot of people wanted to audition for Romeo Montague or Juliet Capulet, and those who did try to audition backed out at the last second. "Okay, Mr. Hynes, your next," Mr. Robertson called out. I gently whispered "Good luck," to him. I watched as he walked up the small set of stairs to the stage. 

"My name is Louis Hynes, and I'm going to be auditioning for the role of Romeo Montague," I watched from the line as Louis recited the scene where Romeo finds Juliet lying inside her family  crypt, and I started to feel an ache in my soul and I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of everyone when I was supposed to hate him.

"Excellent job Mr. Hynes! Ms. L/n, your up next," Mr. Robertson said. I let out a small sigh, and I walked onto the stage as Louis stepped off. "My name is Y/n L/n, and I am auditioning for the role of Juliet Capulet," I said taking a slow deep breath as I prepared for the scene I would be acting out. "Come, gentle night, come, loving black-browed night, give me my Romeo, and when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine, that all the whole will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun,"

I continued reciting until I reached the end of Juliet's line. And, I received a large amount of scattered applause. "Amazing job Ms. L/n!" Mr. Robertson smiled. I took a seat a few seats away from Louis, and I could tell that he had a big grin on his face, now all we could do was hope that by tomorrow, we would secure our places as Romeo and Juliet.

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