Chapter Three

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Y/n's P.O.V.

As my brother and I walked out of the house, I saw the Hynes children getting into a car and start it, but they didn't leave immediately. I came to a stop and I stared at the car. "Y/n? What are you doing? You know what Mom and Dad said, we're not even allowed to look at the Hynes family," B/n hissed. He was right, but I had a feeling that they were staring at us. I felt B/n grab my hand and he lightly dragged me away.

"B/n, do you ever wish that this whole feud would come to an end?" I asked as we continued walking down the sidewalk. "Y/n, I know that you try to see the good in everybody, but the Hynes have hated us since we first moved here, I think that it's best that we're in a feud," he answered. I didn't understand why my brother encouraged this feud. I thought maybe he would be exhausted with having to look over his shoulder and leave the area if the Hynes family were coming.

"I think I'm going to talk mom and dad about it tonight at supper," I said. B/n and I came to a stop, and he looked slightly annoyed. "Y/n, don't bring it up in front of mom and dad, you know what happened last time when I mentioned them, they flipped out!" he sighed. Maybe he was right, even though he was my younger brother, he always acted like he was the mature one. We didn't say another word until we arrived at the school.

When we arrived in the schoolyard, Avi ran up to my brother and planted a kiss on his lips. "Since when are you and my brother Boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked Avi. "You didn't tell her?" Avi asked looking at my brother. "Y/n, I was going to tell you on the walk to school, Me and Avi are now going out," B/n said grinning from ear to ear. I never thought that he would ever get a girlfriend, he just didn't seem like the type of guy who wanted a girlfriend. But, I supported him and Avi being together. Avi was a kind girl so I trusted her.

"That's amazing, I always knew that you two were perfect for each other," I smiled. Avi wrapped her arms around the back of my brother's neck and they looked at each other and quickly pecked each other on the lips. Even though I was happy for my brother, it was still weird to see him kissing my best friend.

Dylan and I looked over at each other with a slight look of disgust because Avi and B/n were making goo goo eyes at each other. But, I could also see that Dylan was blushing a little bit. A split second later, the light red in his face disappeared. I looked over my shoulder and saw that the Hynes children were coming. "Come on guys, let's get out of here," Dylan said. Avi and B/n stopped looking at each other and nodded at Dylan. We walked over to the opposite side of the school. But, I couldn't stop looking over at the curly brown haired boy.

He looked so cute, and I wanted to try to talk to him whenever my friends and brother were distracted. I just had to find the right time.

A Secret Romance Louis Hynes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now