Chapter Twenty Four

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Louis's P.O.V.

After the show, all of the actors went to their families. And while I was hugging mine, I couldn't help but look over at Y/n as she and her parents embraced each other. "You did a great job, Louis! I did not expect the happy ending!" Lara smiled, handing me a small bouquet. "Thanks, Lara," I smiled. She never paid much attention to anything I did. But when she said that, it meant so much to me.

"Louis, your father and I are so proud of you. But, I need you to answer honestly. You're not in trouble, to be clear, but have you and Y/n been hanging outside of the rehearsals?" Mum asked. I never thought that they would ask me that question. I wasn't going to lie to them, but there were certain things that I could not tell them. Like sneaking out at midnight, hanging out with her until dawn, and the plan that we had come up with. "Yes. We have," I admitted. My parents looked at each other and let out small sighs. "Normally, I would be upset by this, but tonight, you proved that this whole feud is stupid. And I think it's time we bring an end to it,"

I was stunned. I thought that it would take more convincing out of them. "We're inviting the L/n's over to our house this weekend so we can settle this," Dad nodded. I was trying to contain my happiness inside of me, and luckily I managed to do that and acted nonchalant about it. On the car ride home, I got a text from Y/n. I was glad my phone was on silent, but I still feel it vibrate in my pocket.

Y/n: My parents said that we're coming to your house tomorrow to end this feud! Are you excited to tell them about us?

Louis: You bet I am! I'll be happy when we don't have to hide it anymore!

Y/n: Me too. Well, I got to go. Mom's picking up McDonald's. See you this weekend! 😘

Louis: See you! 😘


Y/n's P.O.V.

That night, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was going to the Hynes house tomorrow. I had told my parents that we hung out outside of rehearsals. But I didn't go into detail about what we did or us sneaking out to see each other. I was excited that the plan was working. But we weren't out of the woods yet. Not until we heard both of our families say, "This feud has officially ended," Or something along those lines.

"Hey," a voice called, knocking on my bedroom door as I finished changing into my pajamas. "Come in," I called out. The door opened, and I saw B/n standing in the doorway. The look on his told me that he did not look happy. "What's wrong, B/n? I thought you would be happy that this ending," I asked. "I am, Y/n. But how can I know that they're not going to accuse us of doing something again?" he sighed.

"I don't think they would do it again. If anything, tonight made them realize what happens if you do that to someone and their family," I answered. "I guess so. I-it's just going to be a little weird for me to get used to talking to them since we haven't talked to them ever since we moved here," he shrugged. He did have a point there. Louis was the only person I talked to from their family. But I hoped that maybe I could become close friends with Lara cause she seemed like a nice girl from what Louis had told me.

"We should get some rest, got to up bright and early," B/n said, embracing me softly before leaving my room and shutting the door.

A/n, Alright guys! The next chapter will be the final chapter of A Secret Romance. I'm going to try to release it tomorrow if I'm not busy with school, but I can't promise that. So if it's not uploaded by tomorrow, that's why. Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed reading A Secret Romance, and I can't wait for you all to read what happens at the meeting!

With Love,

Duskprincess89 ☕💖

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