Chapter Five

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Y/n's P.O.V.

Biology has never been my favorite subject, but what changed everything for me, was when Ms. Hernandez let out a big smelly fart in the middle of class. The whole room burst into a fit of laughter when we were supposed to be looking at different DNA samples. Dylan had been my lab partner, and he was really smart, needless to say he impressed me a little bit.

In second period, I was not looking forward to the stuff that were going to be learning.  I was in AP Calculous, Math was the only subject I struggled with, I never liked anything involving numbers and I hated that I was in a pointless class where most of the stuff you learned, you would never have to use in real life.

I didn't understand why my parents fought so hard to put me in the hardest math class possible, when I'm not even good at math! Last year, Dylan had to pretty much walk me through the lessons so I would understand it better, and I still didn't get it! After spending almost an hour in the torture chamber, I went back to my locker, and when I opened the door, I saw a note fall out. I opened it and it said...

Hi Y/n,

I don't think we have ever talked to each other before, but I wanted to say that you seem like a sweet and innocent girl, and I would love to get to know you better. How about we meet up at the park after school. Come alone, Hopefully, I'll see you there!

I was a little surprised when I got that letter, and I was a little scared at the same time when the note told me to come to the park alone. I felt so many emotions all at once, but even though I was confused why the person who wrote this note didn't even out their name on it, I still wanted to get to know who they were.

For the rest of the day, I was coming up with a reason on how I was going to convince my brother not to go with me to the park. Because, he always followed me around, and I wanted to keep some parts of my life to myself. When B/n and I walked out of the school, I took a deep breath before I decided to tell him. "Hey B/n, would you be okay walking home by yourself?" I asked. We came to a stop, and B/n stared at me like I had just spoken gibberish.

"Why? Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, Avi told me that she wanted me to come over to her house cause she's going through some stuff," I lied. B/n looked a little confused, and I was starting to worry that he would not believe this lie. "Why didn't she tell me?" B/n asked. "It's girl stuff, " I explained. B/n's mouth opened slightly, and I knew that he understood what I was talking about. 

"Okay, just text me when your on your way back, I'll tell Mom and dad where you are when I get back to the house," I nodded, and I walked in the opposite direction towards the park to meet up with the person who put the note in my locker. I found a nice shady tree and I sat under it, and waited for whoever sent the message to reveal themselves.

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