Chapter Twenty One

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A few days later...

Louis's P.O.V.

The guilt still hung onto me. And I couldn't tell anybody why I was down. I had to play this character where I acted like nothing was wrong. Throughout the school day, I couldn't help but look over at Y/n as she got her stuff from her locker. I could tell that she wasn't coping too well.

She looked over at me for a moment, and I looked back at my locker, acting like I wasn't watching her. During the periods, I couldn't concentrate on anything. And I just wanted to get to rehearsals so I could try to talk to Y/n and find out what was wrong, no matter how hard it hurt. Finally, the time came, and I immediately went over to Y/n after I changed into my costume. "I thought you said you never wanted to see me again," She said as she continued to search through her backpack, most likely looking for her script.

"I need to talk to you alone," I whispered to her. "Why should I? You'll probably yell at me again, won't you?" she asked, anger in her eyes. "No, no yelling. Just a normal conversation between two teens," I assured her. She rolled her eyes as she pulled out her script. "Five minutes, don't waste it," she answered before walking away. I had a feeling that she was going to be a little salty after what I did, but I didn't expect it to hit me that hard.

During that rehearsal, they were worked on the scene with the argument between Juliet and her father over her marrying Count Paris. And then the scene with her visiting Friar Laurence. "Alright, that's a wrap on that! Take a ten-minute break, everyone!" Mr. Robertson called out. Y/n walked off the stage and grabbed my hand, practically dragging me behind one of the thick curtains. "Out with it then!" Y/n said, crossing her hands in front of her chest. "What I wanted to say was, I'm sorry about the things I said. It was stupid, and it was very fucked up for me to say," I said, hoping that she would forgive me for the things I said.

"You hurt my feelings," she whispered. "I know," I said softly. "But, I need to know, what happened with Dylan? I'm not going to get mad. I'm just wondering," Y/n tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked me in the eyes. "He came here with flowers, and  then he told me that he loved me. But I told him that I didn't feel that way about him. And when I asked him if we continue to be friends, he kissed me. I didn't kiss him back, but I froze because I didn't know what to do," she explained, choking up.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions," I said. "And that whole 'I could never love him,' thing that I said. I didn't mean any of it. He asked me if I was in love with you, and I couldn't admit the truth to him because of what he might tell my parents. But, the truth is, I love you," My eyes widened when she said that. She loved me. The same way I loved her. "Y/n, I've loved you ever since I asked you to meet me at the park," I smiled. A smile spread across her face, and she looked away for a moment, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Shit, I'm crying," she chuckled softly. "It's okay," I whispered, placing a soft hand on her cheek. She looked down at my lips for a moment before her eyes reconnected with mine. And without a care in the world, I kissed her soft lips. Fireworks went off inside of me as we continued kissing, and I didn't want us to stop. "I love you so much, Y/n," I whispered when we managed to pull apart.

"I love you too, Louis," she breathed out. "Alright! Everyone! Time to get back to work!" Mr. Robertson called out. "Let's get back to work on that plan!" I smiled.

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