Chapter One

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Y/n's P.O.V.

It was the first day of my sophomore year, and I was not looking forward to it. But, it was better than spending almost the entire summer keeping an eye out for the Hynes Family. Ever since we moved to the United Kingdom ten years ago, almost immediately, the Hynes family started blaming their problems on us. And this whole feud started over something little. And that problem that started it all, was a puppy.

When we first moved across the street from the family, they lost one of their dogs and they were having trouble finding it, and right away they started blaming us for their dog going missing even though they hardly knew us. Of course, my mom and dad completely went nuts on them, but they told me and my brother to go inside first, but we still heard all the yelling from inside the house.

After about a half an hour of them fighting, they finally continued moving boxes into the house, but they told us to stay inside and to not even glance at the family. But I couldn't help but wonder who these people are. I looked out the window and saw a woman glaring at us and I saw three children standing right next to her, it was two boys and one girl. one boy had glasses and was taller than the other two, the other boy had brown curly hair, and the girl had long blonde hair.

That night at dinner, my parents had told us that we were not allowed to walk over to that house, or to even say hi to anyone who lived in that house.


To this day, this feud still continues, my parents even went as far as finding out what classes they had so they could make sure that they were not in the same classes as my brother and I. They also found out who they hung out with, and banned us from talking to them as well. The only friends that my parents could trust were Dylan and Avi. When I first met Dylan, he became my protector, if any member of the Hynes family was coming, he would get me out of that area as quickly as possible.

But after a while, I was done with this feud, I was going to confront my mother and father about it later at dinner. But for now, I had to get ready for school.

A/n: Sorry this chapter was so short, I just didn't have a lot of things to write. But, the next chapter will be a little longer!

With Love,


A Secret Romance Louis Hynes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now