Chapter 2

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When Maya got to the station the first place she went was to her office before going to the beanery with the team. When she reached her office the first thing she saw when she walked in was Luca's little toy cars on her desk. She walked over to her desk and put the toy back into the container she bought them for.

Just then Andi walked into her office. "Hey you coming up for breakfast?" She asked putting a piece of toast in her mouth. "Yea. I just came to put my stuff up and Luca's cars were on the desk." Andy nodded. "How is he?"
"That's good."
Maya nodded and then got up from her chair and followed Andy out to the beanery.

When they got there everyone was already sitting down enjoying their meal. Maya walked over and made herself a plate and then joined the team at the table. "What are talking about?" She asked sitting down. "Nothing. Just things on the home front. How are things on your home front Cap?" Said Travis. "Good."
"And our little Luca boy?"
"Good. He's coming to the station this afternoon so please don't try to overwhelm him." Everyone nodded and then went back to talking.
Just then shift started and it was work for everyone.

When Carina finally made it to the hospital the first thing she usually did was go up to her office. "Hello Dr.Deluca." Said Dr. Schmitt as they stood there in front of the elevator. "Dr.Schmitt, how are we?" She said in return. "Good. What about you?"
"I'm excellent." She said just in time as the elevator doors opened. She got in the elevator and then she was off to her office floor. When she finally got to her office the first thing she did was change. There was a knock on the door right as she had just finished putting on her shirt.

"Come in!!" She yelled. There was Dr.Robbins who had walked through the door. The both of them were best friends. They always had lunch with each other. Always talked about the gossip. There was just no separating them two. "Hello Carina." She said as she sat down in the little chair. "Arizona, how are you?" She asked while looking through some of the files of her patients. "I'm good. You?"
"Amazing. How's everything with Sofia?"

Sofia is Arizona's daughter. She lives in New York with Callie, Arizona's Ex. Arizona used to live with them but she eventually moved back to Seattle. Every now and then she flies out to New York to see her daughter.

"She's good. Almost done with high school. And then next thing I know she'll be in college. How's Luca?"
"He's good. Dropped him off at school this morning. But he's only in the first grade so I have a long way to go before college." Carina chuckled. Arizona nodded and then her pager went off. "It's Emily." Arizona sighed. "She still hasn't made progress?" Arizona shook her head and then walked towards the door. "We on for lunch?" She asked right before she shut the door. "Si!!"

"That was probably one of the quickest fires we ever put out!!" Maya said as she got down from the engine. They had just came back from a structure fire. At first it was a small fire but then it grew bigger. Usually they would have to call in others engines and ladders to help them, but this was Station 19. They didn't need anyone.

"NINETEEN!!" Maya yelled out as she walked towards her office. A mix of 'nineteens' followed after that. She walked into her bunk to take off her dirty uniform and take a shower to get all the dust and that smoky smell off of her. When she finally got out the shower she put on a pair of black joggers and one of her station 19 shirts. "Time for the incident report." She said to herself as she sat down in her office chair. "Mind if I join you?" Andy said walking into her office unannounced.

"I don't really care. I could use the company anyways." She said. Andy happily smiled and sat down in the chair. "So what are we doing after work today?" Andy asked trying to make small talk. "Umm nothing really. Head home, eat, go to sleep. You?"
"Me and Sullivan have been trying-"
"I know where this going so I'm gonna stop you right there." She laughed and continued to write out the report. "What time are you leaving to pick Luca up?"
"3:20, so that I can be at the school by 3:30." Maya said. Andy nodded and the two friends continued to talk.

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