Chapter 7

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"So what are we looking for again?" Maya asked as the walked around the store looking for things for this project Luca has to do for school. It was upcoming on the 100 days of school for the little buddy. So they needed to find 100 little things they could glue to a poster board. "Just anything you can find bella." Carina said. Maya huffed and began to look on the shelves and racks to find little small objects to glue to the poster board.

"I found these things." She said holding up a small little pack of mini erasers. Carina turned her attention to the blonde and walked in her direction. "These are perfect bella. How many are in a pack?"
"Looks like 50." She said examining the pack of erasers to see if she was correct. "Yep there's 50."
"Perfect. Grab two of those." Carina said as she went and grabbed their buggy from the middle of the isle. Maya grabbed the two and then threw them into the buggy.

"Still asleep?" Maya asked as she walked back into her office. Holding two mugs in her hand. One for Carina and the other for herself. She handed the brunette her cup and then sat down in her chair. "Yep." Carina said. Today was an off day for Carina so she had decided to hang out at the station all day. Luca also had a half day of school today so he was out of school before 12 that afternoon. So the little family got to hang at the station today.

When Luca had fell asleep the two decided it would be good to go and get the stuff for his project. Andy watching him of course. Even though it would have probably been best if he went with them so that he could pick out what he wanted but it was all good.
"Must of had a long day." Maya said spinning around in her chair.
"Probably. I know I would have." Carina said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Wait you had short days at school?"
"Yes bella. And they were always the longest days."
"Lucky. I never experienced a short day in my life."
Carina chuckled and took another sip of her coffee. 

After sitting in the office for about another hour or so, Luca fun decided to reawaken from his nap. He walked from the bunk into the office. Rubbing his eyes and stretching in the process. Carina was scrolling through her phone and Maya was sitting at her desk working on some paperwork. "Good morning sleepy head." Carina said looking up from her phone. He walked over to her and crawled into her lap. Resting his head on her chest. She placed a kiss on the top of his head. Maya looked up in 'aw' as the two sat there. "Good morning bubs." She told the boy. He passed her a little wave.

It was finally time to go home. Carina and Luca left a couple minutes before Maya had left. She stayed behind to straighten up her office just a little so it wasn't so messy when she came back the next day. Once she pulled up to the house she saw Carina carrying in all the bags they had brought from the store earlier. "I'll get those." She said, grabbing them from Carinas hand. "Thank you Bella." She said and they both walked into the house.

"So I guess we should get started with this huh?" Maya asked as she gathered all the materials on the table.
"Luca!!" Carina slightly yelled. The boy came walking down the hallway, poking his head out around the corner of the wall. Maya motioned him over to the table and he happily came over. She picked him up and placed him in her lap. "Mommy is gonna tell us what to do because mama has no clue at all." She told the boy tickling him a bit.

"It's not that hard bella. You just count out 100 pieces and glue them to the board."
"Math is not my friend so you know."
"It's not that hard bella."
"Will you help me?" She asked the boy as he played with the erasers on the table. He looked up and shook his head 'no'. "But this is your project bubs. Your supposed to do this not me." Carina chuckled a bit and continued to sort through the stuff.

"Luca buddy you got to be still." Maya said as she tried to get the boy to hold still. She was trying to hot glue the objects to the board. He was becoming restless and couldn't stay still in Maya's lap. She tried to put him down multiple times but he would never budge. Carina even tried to get him to come sit in her lap but it was always a 'No'. "Luca please." She said a little bit more firmly. He finally sat still and watched as Maya continued to glue. "Hey bubs let's go watch a movie or something." Carina said getting up from the table. Walking over to their side of the table.

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