Chapter 5

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"Hey Babe?" Maya said as she poked her head through the bathroom door frame. "Yes bella?" Carina asked as she turned around to face Maya. 
"I have to host some fire training this afternoon, so I was wondering if you could pick Luca up from school today?" Maya said nervously. 

There was always something that made Maya nervous, when she knew that Luca wasn't going to be in her presence after school ended. She didn't know what it was about the situation but she never liked it. Even though she knew he was in safe hands. It just always made her worry more. 

"Sure, I can make some arrangements to pick him up. How long is the fire training going to last?"
"There's no telling." She said shaking her head. Carina nodded and then went back to finishing curling her hair and Maya went back downstairs to join the 6 year old boy for breakfast. 

"Hey bubs, mommy is gonna pick you up from school today." She told him. He looked at her with a sad facial expression on his face. He hated when he had to go to the hospital after school. The vibe of it wasn't for him. Being stuck in his mom's office all day. Not being able to go and play with his cars, in the bunker by himself. 

"I know bubby." She said and let out a sigh in the process. It was a rough thing for the both of them. Carina knew how much more of a relationship he had with Maya rather than with her and she was fine by that. Of course there were times where she felt left out, and her and Maya always talked about those times. But they were small things. Like if he had a bad day and he wanted Maya to cuddle with him and not Carina. Just little things like that. Not to big of a deal because there were also times where he just wanted Carina and not Maya. 

"Let's go bubs." Carina said as they walked out the door. He walked a little slower than normal. Holding his hands and his face towards the ground. Carina sighed. She hated seeing him like this. "Hey, your gonna see mama when we get back from the hospital. There's no need to be sad." She said pulling him into a hug. The both of them finally walked out of the house, Carina locking it before they got into the car and headed off. 

"Good Morning Luca." His teacher said as they reached the classroom. He was still a little upset about the news he received this morning but you could say he was a little more back into his normal self. He waved to his teacher and then went into the classroom. "Rough morning?" The teacher asked Carina. 
"Maya can't pick him up today so he's a little sad about that."  She nodded agreeing to the statement. Well she knew what to look out for today. Not necessarily meaning that he was gonna be trouble today, but she knew the reason why. If he didn't want to participate in the class activity's today then she knew why. Or if he didn't want to play with the cars during recess then she knew why. This wasn't the first time Carina has had to pick him up from school and it for sure wasn't going to be the last. 

After Carina said her goodbyes to Luca and his teacher she headed her way to the hospital and up to her office. But before she did that she had to swing by the station to get his iPad and anything else he usually had. Not the cars though. Those stay at the station. Those were meant for the station and the station only. Don't ask why but just know, those were only for the station.  Now what was he going to do to keep him occupied at the hospital? That was a good question. It was rare for him to come to the hospital so he didn't really have much to do but they always made it work. 

"Come in!" Carina said answering to the knock that was at her door. She was there doing some paper work before she went into her surgery she had scheduled today. Luckily that was her only one. She hated doing surgery on mothers to deliver baby's but if it was necessary or that's what the mom wanted then she had no choice to. 

"So I heard that my favorite nephew was coming today." Andrew said as he burst through the door. The one thing that he loved besides his sister, was his nephew. Besides Maya and Carina, those two also had a pretty close relationship. Right from the moment when he first saw Luca and got to hold him. Fun fact, Andrew was the one who got Luca to start walking. He was babysitting him for a couple hours and by time Carina came to pick him up, Luca was walking at like 3 miles per hour. Not falling over, not wobbling, but just straight up walking. Of course Carina was mad, and so was Maya because they missed their baby boy's first steps. 

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