Chapter 10

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"Hey bubs?" Maya whispered as she walked into Luca's room. It was still pretty early in the morning for the both of them. But today was Friday. And it was Carina's birthday as well. Maya had decided to make Carina an birthday breakfast to start off her day. She knew Carina was gonna have a long day today at work because it was one of her longer shifts she had. So why not start it off good. Maya walked closer to her son's bed to realize that he wasn't there. "Luca?" She whispered. Then she looked around the room to see if he was there. After a minute of looking around she went downstairs.

When she got down there, he was bundled up on the couch with his blankets, fast asleep. "How in the world?" She questioned herself. But she didn't think much of it. As she got closer to him she soon realized that he was not asleep. "Luca Cade!" She somewhat yelled. He looked up at her. She stood there with her arms crossed, looking down at him. He pushed the iPad away from him and slowly tucked himself under the blankets again. "It's a little to late for the mister." Maya said. He sat up and then untucked himself from the blankets. He looked up at Maya as she was still standing there looking down at him. "Why we're you up on your iPad this early in the morning bub?" She asked him. He shrugged is shoulders. "Bubs do you know that's it 6:00 in the morning?" He shook his head 'no' and then laid back down on the couch. Maya sighed and then sat down next to him. "Do you want to help me make birthday breakfast for mommy?"

He nodded and then the both of them got up from the couch and went over to the kitchen to start making breakfast. "French toast or pancakes?" She asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders. Maya took it upon herself to make pancakes. As they were quick and easy. Carina started to stir awake in her room. As she did she noticed there were no signs of the blonde sitting next to her. She got up and quickly put on some pajamas and ten headed to the kitchen. As she was walking the smell of Maya's famous pancakes, hit her right in her face. Carina turned her head around the corner hoping to not be seen by the two. When Carina decided to sneak off, she was soon blasted with flour from behind. Getting it all in her hair and clothes. "So you thought you could just sneak away like that? You didn't think we'll see you?" Maya asked as she helped get some of the flour out of her head.

"You definitely caught me by surprise with that one. And you mister." She said and started chasing him, until he plopped down on the couch. Carina tickled him for a while and then stopped so that he could catch his breath. Carina still couldn't get over the fact that he now had a spot where his missing tooth went. "Maya when did our bambini get so big?" Carina asked. She walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around her waist. "I don't know." Maya said as she finished plating the kitchen food. "Happy birthday my love." Maya said and gave Carina her plate.

"Hi Captain!" Travis said as she walked into the beanery. "Hi Trav." Maya said. Maya walked over to the counter to get her a cup and fix her a cup of coffee. Maya sat down at the table and then everyone else joined them. "Maya make sure you tell your lady lover I said happy birthday." Vic chuckled as she went and sat down next to her. Maya nodded at that statement, making a mental note of it in her mind.
"Wait today is my besties birthday?" Travis exclaimed. "How am I gonna tell her I forgot her gift?" Travis said putting his hand on the top of his head.
"It's ok trav. She doesn't want to make a big deal out of it anyways."
"I don't care." He said sternly. "That is my bestie. I'm gonna go find something for her right now!" He said and then took off running downstairs. Maya chuckled. But then Maya received a phone call so she went to her office to answer it.

When Carina walked into her office, she was gifted with a lot of gifts on her desk. A bunch being little gift bags and one giant bag. She immediately knew who the giant bag was from. "Really Andrea." She mumbled to herself as she placed her things down and walked over to them. "Yes really your my big sister." He said from the corner of the room. Making Carina jump in fear.
"You can't just hide like that!"
"Sorry. I thought you saw me."
Carina shook her as she tried to calm down her heart. Which was beating faster than normal. "No I didn't see you standing there in a dark corner of my dark office."
"Anyways happy birthday sis." Andrea said as he walked over to give her a hug. Placing a kiss on the top of her head.
"Grazie Andrea."
"That's just your small surprise. Wait until this afternoon. We're still going out for dinner right?"
"Yes we are."
Andrea nodded. Just then the both of their pagers went off for a trauma in the pit so they both hurried off.

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