Chapter 12

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~3 years later~

Today was Luca's first day of 4th grade. The parents were sure both in shocked at the fact they were about to have a middle schooler sooner or later and were not ready for it. Over the years, with the help of teachers and himself, Luca has started to open up more and talk. Such he wasn't saying full on sentences at a time but he was saying simple phrases like telling people his favorite color a fun fact about himself, or he was able to express his feelings more verbally. Of course his sentences weren't grammatically correct but who cares.

Luca still had his love for race cars. They were his safe space, his comfort, all of the above. He started collecting miniature versions of famous race cars and stored them on the shelf. And NO ONE, I mean NO ONE was allowed to touch them.

Not only has Luca been progressing with life, so has his little sisters Maci and Averie. Maya and Carina decided to add just one more little bundle to their family but ended up having twins. Though they weren't complaining. Because Carina carried them and they used the same donor as before all three kids were technically biological, but they didn't care about that. They just wanted to watch then grow up and make memories and just be a family.

The twins are 3, 4 in a couple months. Luca was still getting over the fact that they were here to stay. He struggled with it a lot the first couple months. Not wanting to share the spotlight with anyone. Maci had to stay in the NICU a little after she was born because she had Pneumonia, and Averie was born without her hearing but that didn't stop them.

Luca awoke himself to the sight of the light flashing on. He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head. "Sorry buba but it's time for school. 4th grade, you excited??" Maya whispered softly and rubbed his back. "School. No."
"I know bubba, but we have to. Wanna help me get your outfit?" He just nodded and rolled back over.
"Which one?" Maya said holding up two shirts for him to pick. "This one." He pointed at the striped shirt. Maya laid out his clothes and he quickly slipped them on.

Downstairs Maci and Averie were both eating and watching tv. Well more like Maci was watching tv and Averie was coloring. "Sissy's." He exclaimed and sat down at the table. Signing "hi" to A.j. (Averie Jade). Averie had finished the last of her food so she signed "more" to Maya who happily gave her more.

"Bambino, you ready for school?" Carina asked as she came over with his food. Luca just shook his head and pouted and pushed the plate away from him. You could say that all this school talk made him upset. It was very common. And for him to have a new teacher this year at a totally new school, made it even more difficult. His last school lost a big amount of students and staff as well as another school that was in the same district. So the government decided it'll be best for the two schools to combine. A whole new campus was built in a different spot in town, which was actually closer to the station so it benefited Maya a lot.

"Bambino." Carina said as she came over to him. She grabbed his hand but he quickly swatted it away. He clinched his fist together as tightly as he could and just sat there. Blocking out the world around him, which was a technique he had taught himself so that he wouldn't get to upset.

Carina just left him alone and walked off. Maya came back downstairs in her uniform trying to button her shirt up. "Hey what's going on?" She asked confused. Carina pointed over to the boy who was now banging his head against the wall. "Bubba lets not do that." Maya guided him away from the wall. Because of that he got even more furious and started using his fist instead of the wall.

Maya guided his hands away from his head and just rubbed them until he eased up. "Mind if I take him today?" Maya mouthed to her wife who shook her head. "Bubba let's go get our shoes on, yea?" He got up from the table and went to collect his stuff.
"Where are you going?"
"Probably to get donuts or something. Something to distract him. And yes I shall bring you guys back some as well." Maya joked.
"Thank you."

Maya and Luca made their way to the donut shop. Luca cheered as he walked through her door. Safe to say that it made him happier. "Donuts!" He said as he happy stimulated his body. Maya smiled at how happy he was. Once they entered the shop, there was no line so they pretty much was in and out. "Which one do you want?" She asked him. He took a while to look but eventually chose the chocolate Oreo one. "I shall have two of those please."

Along with that they got two pink sprinkles, two chocolate sprinkles, one coconut, two lemon, and the last three of the dozen were glazed. Oh and can't forget the 3 bottles of chocolate milk.

(If you haven't had a lemon or a coconut donut I highly advise you do because they are so freaking good!!)

"$15.34." The cashier said. Maya looked at the boy and he just grinned. "Your lucky I love you." She joked and paid for the food and drinks. They decided to sit outside for a minute while Luca ate his food. There was about 20 minutes still until he was due for school. Luca completely devoured his food and had chocolate sauce all over his face.

"Now bubba." Maya started off the conversation. "I know you don't wanna go to school today and I know it can be scary but I know you can do this, ok?" He nodded rather shyly. "Come here." He happily walked over and crawled in her lap. "I love you bubs."
"Love you mama."

Maya walked with the boy into the school and the way to his classroom. He had a tight grip onto her hand as they walked. This school campus was certainly bigger and most likely more stressful to get around. They both quickly made it to the 4th grade hallway. There were precisely 2 class rooms on that hallway.

Maya walked to the door a lightly knocked on it as it was closed. "Hello!" His teacher said as she opened the door. Luca quickly grabbed onto Maya's legs. "Hello!" Maya said back.
"Who's this lovely fella?"
"Tell her your name bubs."
" 'Uca." He whispered.
"So your the famous Luca everyone has told me about." She said getting down to his highly.

He slowly made his way around from Maya. "There's a special desk just for you by my desk. Wanna go check it out?" He looked up at Maya for a bit of assurance. She nodded for him to go in the classroom and he grabbed the teachers hand as he walked. "Bye bubba." He waved back and then walked off.

Maya appeared back at home. Carina was sitting on the couch with two sleeping toddlers cuddled up on her.
"Long morning?"
"I guess so." Carina chuckled.
"I got the goods." Maya exclaimed and sat the stuff down on the counter, putting the milk into the fridge. "Thank you bella." Carina said and Maya walked back over to give her a light kiss on the forehead.

A/N: Yes I have brought back our favorite boy! Your welcome people.😌🤚🏾I've actually had this written up for a while and just decided to go ahead and publish it. I may post a chapter every once in a while but this story will technically be a discontinued as of right now. I hope you enjoyed it tho and enjoy the rest of your day/night -Shay :)

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