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• I know this isn't 'Our Boy' but last night I came up with this one shot idea from last night's episode. Enjoy :)) •

"We'll be ok. I'll be back before you know it." Carina said. Then leaned in to kiss the blonde who stood before her in this very moment. Their lips connected to one another's. Carina placed her hand in Maya's neck, stroking her thumb up and down on her cheek. Maya released her lips from the brunettes, catching her breath as she was almost out of it. "Promise?" She asked hopefully. Carina nodded and then their lips reconnected to each other's.

Little did they know Grace was standing outside the door listening to their conversation. Grace was their foster daughter. Soon to be daughter. She was gonna finally be apart of their family but then the pandemic hit. Which shut down all the offices in the city hall. Pushing the date of the final adoption process further and further back. Grace is 14. One thing about her is that she has really bad separation anxiety, when it comes to someone she's is attached to. Carina was the one who found her years back and ever since then they had been inseparable.

Grace had walked into the hospital one day. Holding a baby in her arms. She was 12 at the time. She was apart of a group home but nobody ever noticed her and when she was gone or not. So usually she would sneak out in the middle of the night and go to one of her favorite spots in the park. That night she did that, there was a baby boy sitting right there by the tree we usually sat at.

She got the idea that he needed to be taken to the hospital or somewhere with doctors so that's what she did. Luckily Grey-Sloan was not that far of a walk so she just took the baby with her and they both walked to Grey-Sloan. Well she walked and carried the baby. When she had got there, the hospital was running low on staff from a big incident that had occurred, so instead of a PEDS doctor taking care of them, Carina had too.

Ever since then Grace has always had a close relationship with Carina. She usually came to the hospital just to see her. Grace didn't trust any one else other than her. Carina was the one who "rescued" her from her group home and gave her a real home to live in. Carina was the one who helped her get back into school to finish school. And of course Maya was there as well. But her relationship with Grace wasn't that close.

Grace stood there listening to their conversation. Her ear pinned up against the door. She was trying her best not to let out and signs that she was there. When she heard them walking towards the door to leave she took off running back into Maya's office. She got there in the bunk room shutting the door and locking it. Tears threatening to run out her eyes.

"You ready to go home bella?" She heard coming from the other side of the wall. Grace quickly dried her tears, hoping that no body would notice them.
"Yea." Maya said. Walking towards the bunk door, trying to open it but found it locked. "Carina did you lock this door?"
"No bella."
"Grace? Grace are you in here?
She took a while to answer the question. Trying to make sure there was no sign that she had been crying in her voice. She took a deep breath and then unlocked and opened the door. "Yea I had took a nap and then woke up. I didn't realize the door was still locked. Sorry." She said all in one breath.
"That's ok. Ready to go home?"

As the three sat in the car, it was full of comfortable yet uncomfortable silence. Maya driving with Carina as her passenger. Grace sitting in the back seat looking out the window. Silently crying, hoping no one could hear her. But little did she know they could. When Maya got to a red light, Carina texted her on her phone.

C: Do you know why G is upset?
M: No. You?
C: No :((
M: Maybe try talking to her.
C: I will when we get home.

Maya looked over at Carina and nodded. And continued to drive when the light turned green.

When they got home, Maya went up to take a shower really quick. Even though she was also giving them space to talk if they needed it. Grace went to her room and laid in her bed. Cuddling one of the teddy her and Carina had won at the state fair.

"Hey Grace?" Carina said as she knocked on the door. Slightly opening the door before she walked in. "Bella?" She said and sat down on the bed. Placing her hand on her leg. Grace looked up at Carina, trying her best not to let anymore tears fall out.
"Bella what's wrong?"
Grace shook her head. "Nothing." She said. Forcing herself to smile. Hoping Carina would believe it.
"Grace, you've been crying since we got in the car. What's wrong?"

"I heard you and Maya's conversation." She said crying again.
"Oh bella." Carina said.
"I don't want you to go." She choked out on her sobs. Carina pulled her into her lap. Placing her head on her legs. Grace continued to cry, making tears fall into Carina's pants. Carina rubbed her back up and down, trying to get her to calm down. "Grace you have to breath, or your gonna make yourself sick." She told her. She tried to slow down her breathing but it didn't work.

"Grace look at me." Carina instructed. She sat up. Turning her way to face Carina. "I need you to breath baby girl." Grace nodded and slowed down her breathing. Even though she was still very shaky.
"I don't want you to go." She said again. "What am I gonna do without you? Who's going to help me with me with my school? Who's gonna give me hugs when I'm sad? I need you Carina. I don't want you to go."

"Bella I know. I don't want to go either but I need too. There is a lot you can do without me. Your very smart but if you need help with your work you can always ask Maya. When you need a hug, you can hug the teddy we both won together. You don't need me Grace. But if you ever need to talk to me I'm always one phone call or text away."

"But the time zones are gonna be different. When I'm sleeping you'll be awake and when I'm awake you'll be sleeping."

"We'll work something out bella. Your not going to lose me. I will be back ok?"

Grace nodded. "Come here bella." Carina whispered and then wrapped her arms around the 14 year old. Grace resting her head on Carina's shoulder. Them just enjoying the presence of each other.

When Maya got out the shower, she walked in Grace's room. Both Carina and Grace laying down in bed, asleep. There were still tear stains left on G's face. "Hey Carina." Maya whispered. Carina quickly shot up, looking around confused for a bit until she saw Maya standing there.
"Bella." She said as she got out of bed, slowly. Making sure not to awake the emotionally exhausted, 14 year old who slept beside her.
"Come on let's go to bed."

Carina nodded and pulled the blanket over Grace before leaving the room. She shut the light off and then quietly shut the door. Maya stood in the hallway. "You figure out what was wrong?" Maya asked as they walked towards their bedroom.
"She doesn't want me to leave." Carina sighed.
"How did she know?"
"She heard us talking in the washroom."
"Then she probably never took a nap huh?"
Carin nodded and then sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed.
"I don't want to leave her bella. She's had enough separation in her life. I don't want her to feel like she's losing another."

"She's not. She knows that you'll be back in a matter of time. She's gonna be ok."
"What if the adoption goes through and I'm not back? Do you know how heart broken she's gonna be."
"You'll be back in time. Ok? Carina she's gonna be ok. I'll be here and if anything happens you'll be the first person I call. If she needs you, you'll be the first person I call. She's in good hands. I promise you that."
"I'm gonna take a shower now."
"Ok. I'll be here when you finish."

And then Carina left.

A/N: What y'all think?? Possible part 2?? Or would you guys like a one shot book?? Let me know in the comments. Enjoy your weekend!! -Shay<3

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