Chapter 1: Roommates are the Literal Worst

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"You have got to be kidding me, not again."

Slamming his fist into the door, Daichi let out a frustrated growl. This was the third time this week that one of his roommates had unceremoniously locked him out of the room. Four others shared the suite with the junior, and yet none of them seemed to mind in the least that it was Daichi who seemed to always be the one stranded in the dorm hallway without his key. But to the latter it was getting a bit ridiculous. How hard was it to leave the room unlocked? It's not like anything ever happened at the dreary school; there were too many goody-two-shoes around for any major crimes to take place. Besides, it wasn't like their room had anything worth stealing anyway. Yet every single one of his suite mates felt it necessary to always always always lock the door, even when only popping out for a quick coffee. Daichi, who never liked carrying his dorm keys anyway, found this both inconvenient and frustrating. Especially when he left the room for all of five minutes to grab a few snacks from the good vending machine on the third floor, yet now was somehow magically locked out. Again.

Probably to rub salt in the wound, a short note was tacked to the door for Daichi, the handwriting sloppy as if written in a rush:

Last minute study lab for Bio. Kenma left too, something about a new game release. Hope you have your key ;)


Ripping the note from the door Daichi shredded it in anger, letting the tiny pieces of paper float to the floor like confetti. "I'm going to murder him." He growled to the empty hallway. Not like he could prove it, but Daichi could swear he saw Kuroo smirk earlier when Daichi had left the room, and it wouldn't be entirely out of character if the wise-ass had actually made up the Biology lab just for the laugh at Daichi's expense. Running a hand over his eyes in exasperation, the junior gave the door handle one last jiggle as if to test and see if it had magically unlocked itself, before cursing loudly and stalking off down the hall towards the exit. If he couldn't sit in the comfort of his own room and pig out on salty cheese snacks, then there was no use standing around in the hallway looking like the idiot who forgot his key.

Swinging the door to the dorm building open with enough force it bounced off the wall, Daichi pushed his way through the crowd of annoying freshman who always seemed to congregate just outside the building. Maybe it was the piercing way his eyes glared at anyone who make contact with them, or perhaps it was the hostile aura he seemed to radiate with every step of his combat boots, but as soon as he approached the crowd of shrimps they immediately scattered, leaving a clear path for the angry upperclassman.

With no keys or wallet and only a few spare coins from the vending machine in his pocket, the list of places to blow off some steam was quickly dwindling. And while it was a pleasant enough late summer evening, the campus grounds were crawling with overly eager college students looking to make new connections and far too many couples not at all worried about public displays of affection. It all was too sickening to even consider taking a walk around the grounds. Without even having to think much about it, Daichi's feet instead lead him in the direction of the one place he knew would cure his foul mood.

Luckily, the Hobbit Hole stayed open late, and was still a new enough addition to campus it wasn't crawling with wannabe hipsters just yet. Having discovered the tiny bookshop back in high school, it quickly became Daichi's safe haven. So much so he had only told Suga and Asahi about it, and that was only after they kept pestering him to know where he disappeared to on the regular. If allowed, Daichi would spend hours in the store, wandering up and down the dusty aisles in search of nothing or everything, depending on his mood. He'd tried this at other bookstores, but the magic of finding just the right book quickly wore off when being followed through the store like a shoplifter. Someone like him wasn't supposed to be into books after all. He had too many piercings, too many tattoos, and chose leather jackets over tweed suits with elbow patches like other good bibliophiles. Yet when accidentally stumbling into the Hobbit Hole years ago, it was like discovering lost treasure. The owner didn't seem to care how he looked as long as he didn't spill coffee on any of the books and left his prized sarcophagus alone, and so for the first time in years, Daichi was free to browse for books to his heart's content.

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