Chapter 11: Here Comes the Sun

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"Well, isn't this interesting." Kuroo drawled, the smirk on his face growing with each syllable. "I never thought this day would come."

A disgruntled Daichi and Suga slid into the booth across from their suite mate, the former automatically snatching a handful of french fries from the plate in front of Kuroo in retribution.

"What the hell does that even mean?" Daichi snarled, hating that he already knew the answer.

Kuroo must have known it too, because he only pushed the plate across the table and leaned back in his seat, not a care in the world. "No sir, you're not getting off that easy. You gotta say it."

"Seriously man, you're still playing games—"

"No games, Suga, I just want to know why we're here at this ungodly hour." Kuroo crossed his arms behind his back making Suga roll his eyes. As if they didn't frequent this exact same late night diner on a regular basis.

"I want out."

The speed at which Daichi replied, despite the glower on his face, made both his roommates freeze momentarily. They all knew what was going to happen, but somehow Kuroo still believed his friend would've backed out by now, or made some excuse to change the parameters. It was a little impressive.

But their silence was pissing off Daichi, who already felt like shit. "What, that not enough anymore? Do I have to spell it out?" He began crushing the fries between his hands now instead of eating them. "Fine. I'm done. You win"

"I win what, exactly?" He was enjoying this a little too much.

"You win the fucking bet, happy now?" Daichi slumped a bit in his seat, pulling at the sleeves of his hoodie while Suga looked ready to knock their heads together. "I'm not playing this stupid game anymore."

Not anymore. Not now that he finally figured it out and knew what it felt like to hold Jun in his arms while she kissed him back. Not now that he'd seen the way her face lit up like a fucking beacon when he touched her. The illusion was over, leaving only his growing affections and a bitter feeling of guilt behind.

"Finally." Kuroo's smile appeared a bit more genuine, "Good for you man. That is, if I'm right that you're breaking the bet for the reason that I think you are." His smile instantly grew at the deepening color of Daichi's cheeks.

"He asked her to be his girlfriend." Suga must have seen it too and took pity on him. He gave Daichi's sinking head a pat, "Be happy you missed it because it was a little too cute, even for me." The ever supportive friend, Suga had tried to steer him and Machi in another direction after their double date, but she had insisted on spying and had spent the rest of the night fawning over the new couple. Daichi had only allowed it because he himself had been too happy to bark at them to leave.

"Well shit, I thought you just liked her, I didn't think you liked her." But Kuroo was beaming too and kicked out a foot to bump against Daichi's shin. "I'm happy for you my dude. So what does that mean now?"

"It means you butt-out of my business, that's what."

"That's not what I meant, dude. I mean what are you going to do now? Ya know, about Jun?"

But Daichi still feigned innocence, his own subconscious wanting to refuse the truth of the situation too. He kicked the heel of his boot onto the seat next to Kuroo, "Find a less annoying suitemate who doesn't freak out my girlfriend? Because I haven't ruled it out, you make her nervous."

"You have to tell her." An exasperated Suga threw his hands in the air, tired of watching the soap opera unfolding. "You could have maybe made an argument not to, but that was before you asked her out." He maybe hadn't wanted to spy on Daichi and Jun that evening with Machi, but Suga had stayed and he'd seen the way Jun looked at his friend. The way she walked so close to him it was like they were two magnetic forces unable to stay more than a few feet apart. He had seen the sparkle in both their eyes after Daichi had held her close, whispering in her ear the question Suga thought he'd never ask anyone. There was no mistaking it, not anymore. Jun had fallen for Daichi just as hard as Daichi had fallen for her.

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