Chapter 14: Breaking Dawn

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I need you to meet me at your precinct. Jun has been arrested.

Taisei hadn't said much after that, and honestly Daichi didn't remember if he had. Nor did he remember saying anything to his friends at the bar. He simply set down his drink, picked up his keys and was out the door.

The ride to the precinct was thankfully short. Or at least, that's what it felt like. Daichi remembered weaving through traffic on his bike, revving the engine to go faster, but then not much else before he burst through the doors of the precinct.

"What is he doing here?" Hana's distinctive sneer rang across the empty space. She sat near the back of the room by the doors leading to the private offices and holding cells. Her back was stiff with displeasure, the severe frown she threw at Daichi made him wonder if her displeasure was wholly about the situation or because he was standing there.

"I asked him to come, mom." Taisei rose from his chair beside his mother, a grateful sigh escaping him. "He works here, and can probably help."

Hana muttered something that sounded vaguely like "unlikely," but Daichi was already crossing the floor with a determined stride, ignoring her presence entirely. He stopped briefly to nod at Taisei, promising to see what he could find out, and proceeded through the doors towards where he knew the Chief would be.

Sure enough, Chief Nishida sat behind his desk, elbows leaning heavily onto the wooden surface, as if holding the weight of the world. Across from him, looking equally gray-faced, sat Jun's father. Both looked towards the door when Daichi had knocked, neither looking surprised to see him.

Taking this as a good sign, Daichi took the remaining chair next to Toshiro, his voice surprisingly calm.

"Alright, fill me in."


The night was a slow one, that's what the cop had said, so she had the space to herself.

The cell. That's what this space was called. Jun was sitting by herself in a cell.

Maybe it was her imagination trying to keep her mind preoccupied, but Jun could only seem to focus on how the room didn't look anything like the tv shows and movies had told her it would. There were no questionable stains on the walls or floor, and there was actually furniture in the room instead of a lonely and rickety stool left for inmates to fight over. In fact, compared to what she had imagined, the room itself seemed—bland. The walls were a boring forgettable grayish color, as if devoid of all personality or semblance of warmth. Even the bench she sat on was a chilly steel that never seemed to warm no matter how long she sat on it.

Maybe it was a good thing the room was so forgettable. If it was as she had been picturing, Jun had a feeling she wouldn't be quite as calm as she was now. Or maybe calm wasn't the right word to describe it. Jun had been sitting in the same spot since the officer dumped her there a few hours ago, staring at the same blank space on the wall for the past twenty minutes. Her heart had finally stopped racing and her breathing had evened out. And yet, calm wasn't what she felt now. She felt...nothing. As blank and empty as the walls around her, Jun had stopped feeling anything. Part of her knew this was worse of course, but still; she couldn't bring herself to care.

She knew somewhere else in the precinct her father was probably negotiating to try and figure out what to do next. To try and fix things. That thought at least sent a soothing warmth through her veins, knowing he was here and wouldn't be upset. Sad, maybe, and a bit confused as to how this could have even happened. But Jun could already see the understanding that would paint his features when he came to get her.

Her mother, on the other hand, would be the problem. Jun knew she would've arrived with her husband, and that she'd be sitting somewhere in the lobby, silently seething as she waited for the chance to express how disappointed she was in Jun. What a disgrace Jun had brought to the family name and the questions her father would have to deal with now because of her. Yada, yada, yada...

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