Chapter 15: Paradise Lost

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"Ok, but do you have to be like that all the time? And in front of my salad?"

Kuroo's voice whined from the corner of the room where he sat in the last remaining chair, crunching his offended looking bowl of food with disdain.

He was glaring, somewhat too seriously for Daichi's liking, at Daichi and Jun. They were stretched out on the dorm room sofa, minding their own business while watching reruns of an old anime. Daichi had been quietly explaining the plot of the episode to Jun when he stopped mid-sentence to address his roommate.

"And what exactly is your problem, chicken head?" He kept his tone light, with only the smallest hint of iciness indicating how annoyed he actually was. "Are we bothering your lunchtime?"

"My problem is this," Kuroo waved a hand through the air, gesturing to his roommate and spraying bits of lettuce on the floor, "This goddam cuteness. You two are always so touchy-feely and snuggling, in the common area of the dorm. It's making it uncomfortable for the rest of us." He tried to emphasize his words dramatically, but when both he and Daichi turned to look at their roommates, it was clear how far his argument fell short. Suga and Machi were huddled under a blanket on the loveseat, actively engrossed in the anime and oblivious to their surroundings. Kenma was almost nose to screen with his Nintendo Switch, headphones comfortably blocking out all distractions. While Asahi sat content on the floor, stretching his long legs and looking politely confused at Kuroo.

"I think it's cute." He smiled shyly. "They aren't bothering me at all."

Daichi gave Kuroo a look of smug satisfaction and rested his hand more ostentatiously on Jun's thigh. "Looks like you're the only one with a problem, though I never hear you complaining when it's you and your girlfriend sucking face on this same couch."

That seemed to shut Kuroo up. Ears slightly red he dropped his head back down and went back to eating, but not before sharing one last look with Daichi. The unspoken words between them made Daichi's jaw clench.

Like his other roommates, Kuroo had grown fed up with Daichi's continued demand for secrecy. Though Kuroo's frustration at the situation seemed to do less with his concern for Jun and more about his desire to gloat. He had won the bet after all and was pissed he couldn't even flaunt it.

Sensing a growing unease in him, Jun tried turning in her spot nestled against Daichi, her brow knitted in concern. "I don't wanna cause an argument between you guys." She whispered anxiously, "Maybe we should sit up and make room for Asahi to sit with us."

"Asahi likes the floor, he says it's better for his back." Daichi whispered gruffly back, though he softened considerably when he noticed Jun's worry still spiking. "Don't sweat it, Wallflower, Kuroo is just jealous that he can't have a girlfriend this adorable; it'll pass."

Jun still looked a little concerned, but she returned her attention back to the television and wiggled closer to Daichi. Daichi smirked.

The next episode began and Daichi picked up his play-by-play commentary for Jun once again, though a bit more absentmindedly than before. Kuroo's subtle reminder had hit home; Daichi had still failed to say anything to Jun about the bet. And it wasn't like he hadn't had the opportunity either, but every time the moment felt right he found his throat would close up and he couldn't speak.

It had to be soon though. Really soon. And not just because idiots like Kuroo were losing patience.

Jun laughed softly at something on the show and Daichi felt his heart squeeze. Kissing her temple, he promised himself he'd tell her next week. It would be the final deadline he'd give himself. He had to do this. For her. He had to fess up for her and hope she didn't kick him to the curb.

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