Chapter 3: A Perfect Day for Wallflowers

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Daichi was brooding. Like, full-out, Dark-Knight-standing-atop-a-lonely-building level brooding. And he hated it. It shouldn't even bother him that much in the first place, so why was it? It had been a week. A full fucking week of no response whatsoever. Not like he had been really expecting anything new to appear on the typewriter, (especially not a note for him specifically), but maybe he actually had because now that seven days had gone by without any new messages of any kind (he didn't count the one where someone wrote 'That's what she said'), Daichi was pissed.

"Duuuude, what's got your panties all in a twist?" Kuroo threw a french fry across the table at his grumpy looking roommate. It was the third straight day he'd noticed Daichi's sour-grape mood at lunch, which was unusual. Sure, the guy normally had a bit of a temper and could sulk about shit like a petty teenager, but he normally got over it after a few hours, or a less-than-friendly game of volleyball. Day three of this shit was just too much. "Whatever it is, you better get over it before the party tonight or you're gonna scare all the hot chicks away."

Daichi rolled his eyes. God forbid he ruin some lame party. Although he didn't say that, because he knew how Kuroo would respond. The first big keg party of the year was always held in their dorm building, and every year it turned into some out of control rager. It was a legendary night in the minds of some, where alcohol flowed more than water and made people do the stupidest stunts. Last year some idiot had decided to try and swing from a third story window using only knotted bedsheets. It hadn't ended well. For those not risking their lives as daredevils, the party was the perfect place to find the first casual hookup of the year. Kuroo had met his current arm candy at last year's shindig. Hence why he always thought of it as the most important and memorable party at the school. And he had finally convinced Kenma to go instead of hiding in the library like he did for the last two. He would not let anyone dampen the mood. "Daichi, I love ya man, but I will not be stuck with all the hopeless nerds tonight just because you decided to try out your Heath Ledger Joker face. Lighten up, my dude."

"You're a Biology and Chemistry double major, Kuroo, you don't need my help to be tagged a nerd." Daichi retorted sarcastically, tossing the soggy french fry back at his face. "And I don't know what you're talking about, I'm fine." The gruff way in which he responded gave him away, however. Maybe he really was more pissed than he thought, because normally Kuroo's jabs didn't bother him that much.

He just couldn't get whoever it was that left that damn note out of his head. Daichi had even stopped by the Hobbit Hole every night this week just to check. Annoyingly, that stupid ancient excuse for a word processor remained silent. How hard was it to type a simple response? It didn't even need to be anything that poetic or profound. But nothing appeared. Sighing angrily, Daichi shoved back from the table harshly and swiped his black leather jacket off the chair. He obviously wasn't going to stop thinking about it anytime soon so might as well take Kuroo's advice and try and get over it. Maybe a walk would clear his head.

"Leaving so soon, Princess Pouty?" Kuroo smirked, enjoying far too much how Daichi's face turned an angry shade of purple. The guy was just too easy to tease.

"Well I'm not going to sit around here and listen to your bullshit anymore. Or do you have a problem with that, mom?"

Finally glad to see a bit of sarcasm return to his friend, Kuroo winked and played along, "Just make sure you're back before 11, sweet-cheeks, that's when the creeps go out a-prowling."

"Go to hell."

"Aw, I love you too."


"Jun why are you still here?"

It was almost midnight. Jun had finished her shift two hours ago, but rather than return to her dorm room, she'd stayed behind to help with the end of the month inventory. Tadaari-San hadn't minded the help at first, but now was starting to reconsider. "It's Friday night. You're a youngun'. You should be out at those college parties or spending your time with friends, not some old crank like me."

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