Chapter 9

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Long chapter ahead

Time skip 1 month after the fight

Natsu's POV:
I was working in my office when I heard a knock at the door. I said come in and I saw Erza and Gray and they said they wanted to talk to me.
I asked what they wanted to talk about and they both said in unison "you are hopeless". I asked what they meant and they said that the Magnolia festival is in two days. Then I said "already....time flies by doesn't it". They sighed. I then told them to tell everyone else to help the town prepare for the festival. They nodded and left.

Lucy's POV:
I wanted to see Natsu today because today was our anniversary. Before I entered his office I saw Erza and Gray walk out. I asked what they talked to Natsu about and Erza responded "Natsu forgot that the Magnolia festival comes next week so we had to remind him".
I nodded and proceeded into Natsu's office. When I walked in I saw Natsu's face light up. I asked him if we leave because I wanted cuddle and he said sure. I smiled and hugged him. He then told me that since I'm going to wait I should help with the festival I said okay.

Time skip 2 hours later

Natsu's POV:
I noticed that it was 10 so I got my things and left for home. When I got back I saw that Lucy was already in bed. I changed and got in hugging her from the back. I said goodnight and kissed her head before drifting off into sleep.

Lucy POV:
When I woke up I felt two arms on my waist and looked behind me to see Natsu. I smiled knowing that today was a day off so we can spend some time together.
I then got closer to him and started to drift off into sleep again.
I woke up again and check the time. It was noon and me and Natsu were still in bed together. I woke him up because I wanted to go on s as date today. I asked him if we can go on a date today he said yes. We then got out of bed and changed for the day.
We finished changing and got into Natsu's car.
Natsu's asked if I wanted to go anywhere and I said "surprising me". He smirked saying ok.

Natsu's POV:
When Lucy asked me to surprise her I smirked and knew exactly where to go.

Time skip

We arrived at our destination. When Lucy got out she had a surprised look on her face. He then said "Natsu......this is where I confessed to you". I smiled. I responded "Yes it is. I wanted to bring you here for a special day". She asked what. I then said "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY"!!! And gave her some flowers and a necklace shaped like a star. She look happy. She then said " Natsu I'm so happy you remembered"!! "Of course I remembered who do you think I am"? I said in a slightly offended voice. She then pulled out a bracelet and gave it to me.
I said thank you and asked if she wanted to go to a restaurant. She said yes.

Time skip after dinner

Lucy's POV:
We finished dinner, paid and then left to go home. We entered Natsu's house and got dressed and headed to bed. I thanked Natsu for today and kissed him. We said goodnight and fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered open to see a sleeping Natsu. I smiled and the proceeded to wake him up. He opened his eyes and look at me. We smiled at each other and then kissed.
We lazily got out of bed to head to base. We finished changing and got in the car and then left.
Natsu parked the car and we entered base. When we entered everybody was in a rush because the Magnolia festival is tomorrow. We decided to start helping.

Time skip at the end of the day

Natsu's POV:
Everyone was done decorating the base and took a break. One by one people started to leave. Me and Lucy headed home together. When we got back we changed and headed towards bed. We were both tired as hell so we just flopped onto my bed.
Slowly my tiredness was beating me and I fell asleep.

The next day Magnolia festival

(I don't want to type down the entire day it's just gonna start at sunset when the festival begins)

Lucy's POV:
Most of the people at base got a date for the festival.
Levy and Gajeel
Erza and Jellal
Me and Natsu
Juvia and Gray
Wendy and Romeo
(And there are some other ones but don't feel like putting them in)

We all were in our yukatas walking towards the festival near the lake. Me and Natsu were trying out a variety of different foods. Some were good and some we didn't like. Then before we knew it it stared getting dark and the fireworks were starting soon.
Me and Natsu got some more snacks so we can wait for the fireworks.
The fireworks started soon and let me tell you they were amazing.

Natsu's POV:
In the middle of the fireworks launching I looked at Lucy and cupped her face in my hand and gave her a long passionate kiss. When I stopped Lucy was blushing a bit because we got quit a bit of stares.
I told her to not pay attention to the stares and we finished watching the fireworks.

Levy's POV:
Me and Gajeel were walking when we heard the first few fireworks explode. We both looked up to them and started watching them.
After a bit I felt my face get cupped by a hand and then I saw Gajeel getting closer to me and then....he...kissed me.

Me and Gajeel were blushing madly and the we said "Levy (shrimp) I started getting this feeling after a while of meeting you that I couldn't stand when other guys stared at you and feel like I wanted to be with you all the time. And and I now know what that feeling you.

I was blushing and so was he and I responded "Gajeel I....I love you too". Then we kissed again.

Erza's POV:
Me and Jellal were walking near the lake eating cake when we saw the fireworks start to explode.
We looked up and started watching them they looked Beautiful.

I looked at Jellal and I felt my face start to heat up then I pulled him towards me and kissed him. I was blushing madly and I was nervous.
We broke free for air only leaving a sting of saliva connected to our lips. I then said "Jellal.......for a while I really like you but I was nervous to confess to you so I did this I hope you accept my love". Jellal responded "Erza...I always liked you and I was nervous to confess as well so I accept your love". We then kissed again passionately.

Gray's POV:
Me and Juvia were walking down towards the lake to see the fireworks. When the fireworks started to explode I looked at Juvia who was looking at the fireworks. I said to myself "today I'm gonna tell her".

"Juvia..I wanted to tell you that I really like you and I'm sorry for treating you like I didn't care for you but I did so I'm hoping you forgive me and be my girlfriend". I then pulled her into a kiss. She broke it and said "Gray....I always and will always love you so I will". She then pulls me into a kiss.

Time skip after the fireworks

No ones POV:
When the fireworks stopped everyone went to their significant other's house to sleep together. They all said good night to each other and soon fell asleep.

Wow 1331 words total that's a lot. Anyway this chapter was a really long one and I doubt I will make another long chapter and so I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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