Chapter 14

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The chapters from here on out won't have pictures at the begging anymore

Lucy's POV:
When Erza kicked down the door we saw.....Mard Geer.
He had long jet black hair he was pretty tall he was wearing a coat with white trims around it and gray pants with black shoes.

The six of us pointed out guns at him when I heard Natsu ask "Why the hell did you and your goonies vandalize our base?"
"Well all I wanted was to have Magnolia to myself is that too much too ask for?"
"Yes it is" I heard Natsu respond in a cold voice."

Natsu's POV:
After the little conversation I told the five of them to put their guns down. They had confusing looks on their faces when I said "I want you guys to go outside and wait for me" I heard a sigh then g they nodded and left.

When Lucy texted me saying they were outside the building I then put a silencer on my gun. I pointed it towards him and with a pull of a trigger the gun fired and then......thud.

I looked down at the dead body then got out a box of matches. I lit one then threw it one him after pouring his coffee on him.
I sighed saying to myself "Jeez.......some say I'm too young to say I'm getting tired but, the hell do they know I've been killing people since I could hold a gun." I finished saying that sentence while watching the body burn.

Erza's POV:
I was sitting down when I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Natsu walk out. I sighed knowing that he probably burned his body to ashes.
I yelled out to everyone saying to get back in the cars so we can head back. They all obeyed and started screwing towards the cars.

I got in one and we started driving back to base.

Time skip back at base

Natsu's POV:
When we got back it was 7:00 we would usually party because we won a battle but I could tell that everybody was tired.

I shouted saying "I know all of you are tired after today so you all can go home and relax."
I saw some smiling but I knew the others were happy too because they just instantly got in their cars and left.

When me and Lucy got back we didn't even bother to shower. We just changed and hoped into bed. After Lucy got in I did as well and we snuggled close to each other and said goodnight.

Erza's POV:
After Natsu said we can go home me and Jellal got into my car and drove to his house. We got dressed and hoped into bed.

When I got in Jellal got in to so I snuggled slider to him we said goodnight to each other and drifted off into our slumber.

Gray's POV:
I heard Natsu say that we can go home early but Juvia was already asleep so I carried her to my car and drove to my house.

When we got their I put Juvia into my bed I changed and got in as well.
I got closer to Juvia kissed her on her forehead and said goodnight.

Ok so I'm sorry for the short chapter I'm just tired anyway I'm gonna write one more chapter and end the book.

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