8. Gotcha

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[ Y/N'S POV ]

«Alright boys ! You guys did well to do, you can go back home. I'll see y'all tomorrow. ». I said goodbye to them before walking to my car. I was about to turn it on until a loud knock on my door made me jump. « WHERE DO YOU LIVE Y/N. ». I ignored Yoongi and turned on my car. « TELL ME BEFORE I FOUND IT. IF I FOUND IT BY MYSELF, YOU'LL REGRET THAT YOU WERE BORN. ». He screamed behing the window again. I was indeed scared but decided to drove off.

Since the day he cried on my lap, i already moved out. He doesn't have the opportunity to molest me anymore and he still doesn't know where i live which is perfect. But since a couple of days, everytime was alone even for a couple of seconds. He would ask for my address. He did not touch during work because he knows the consequences. But knowing Yoongi... He will find a way to do it soon.

Arriving at my apartment, i was exhausted. I worked too hard today because Jimin and Taehyung got into a fight. But it's ok i sorted it out, everything's fine now. I think i deserve a bath. I kicked my shoes off and undressed myself in my living because i don't care, i live alone and went straight to my bathroom. I filled the tub with hot warm water and put a pink bath bomb. It smelt fruity. When i was relaxing, i caught myself thinking of Yoongi...

It makes me so confused. Lately, i have been trying to understand his behaviour changes. He can be very violent and the minute later very passionate. Why is wrong with this man ? But the most annoying thing in all of this, is that i am starting to have pity for him. When he abuses me, i don't feel sad for myself but for him. I am to nice of a person. I drove out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I picked it up and saw "Namjoon".

« Hello ? », « Y/N ! Hey, i know you must be so tired right now but Yoongi has been harassing me to call you. Apparently, you don't answer his calls. », he said. I rolled my eyes. « Oh sorry, i was paying attention my phone. You are lucku that i did for you. », i laughed it off. « Ok i guess but yeah here's Yoongi ! ». I heard Namjoon leavinh the room and now i was in a call with Yoongi. Everything was silent. I could only hear his breathe and mines.

« It makes me feel better to hear your breathe. ». He weakly whispered. I could tell he was crying. « Did you cry Yoongi ? ». I asked. « Y-yes... I-i miss you Y/N. I barely have time with you when you don't leave here. Please come back. ». He cried. I decided to ignore his begs. « Does Namjoon know you are crying ? You should spend time with the boys. ». « At least, tell me where you are... ». He stayed in his miserable state too.

« You are so selfish Yoongi... ». He didn't reply, i only heard him breathing faster. « You raped me. Blackmailed me. Beat me like a fucking animal... And yet, you have the nerve to call me and tell me you miss me ? Don't you think you made enough ? », i said. I felt a pain in my heart. I wanted to cry, even thought he can't see me. I don't want to cry for this psycho. « You know that i am scared of you... How can you think that i want to see you right now. I don't. I feel free and safe without you. So stop please. Yoongi i am not a ragdoll... ».

He hang up. He hang up on me. This was the time where he had a chance to apologize but he hang up. I stayed shocked, staring at my phone. He is a monster. And i also know that tomorrow would be an awful day.

« Good morning Y/N ! », Jungkook smiled. I bowed and got straight to work. I was filming day. They are shooting the mv of Black Swan and they all looked flawless. « OK I NEED YOONGI ON SET FOR HIS PART ! », the director said. Yoongi soon came, all dressed and makeuped. He was very awesome... I can't lie. I couldn't stop admiring how much he looked charismatic while shooting. He didn't care about anything and just embodied his personality. Just a real rapper.

« CUT ! », the director screamed

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« CUT ! », the director screamed. All the staff when to prepare Jimin for his solo while me i went to the backstages on the second floor. There was no one because people are mainly taking care of members but i needed a small break of 5 mins. I deserve it. I work so hard. I went to cafe machine and tapped the button
"café viennois". The machine has set in motion so i waited with my back facing the front door. I was so tired that i couldn't even focus on any noise around me. I flinched when i felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist.

I was about to scream but a hand covered my mouth before i was able to. « Shh.. Shup up Baby... It's me, your boyfriend ? ». M-my boyfriend ? Yoongi thinks he is my boyfriend now...I mubbled words that were mostly insults. « OH MY GOD CAN'T YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ! », he screamed while his free hand wrapped around my throat tightly. I slowly started to get less air. I was afraid to die. « SHUT THE F-...fuck up baby... You don't want to upset me don't you ? You know how i can be when i am upset. ».

He loosen up a bit his crip on throat but it was still hard to breathe. I wanted to speak but i immediately remind silent when i felt his hips buckled up into me. « u-uh... I just need a relieve babe... Would you let me put my cock in you again ? It's been a while. I bet you are drooling over this idea. ». He rubbed his clothed erection harder and let out shaky moans. I was already crying my heart out. « s-stop... », i managed to stay with the weak amount of strenght i had, just for him to laugh at me.

He went closer to my ear and whispered, « Haha... You are funny, aren't you ? I told you nicely to give me your address but you didn't... And it made Daddy so *tighten the grip in your throat* so *tighten even more* angry my love. ». I gripped his wrist, helpess from this situation. His dry thrusts went faster and his moans louder. I could feel the tip of his cock begging to be inside me. « y-yoongi... i-i can't breat- OH ! j-jesus please stop ! ». He freed my throat while i was speaking.

He grab the back of my neck to bend me over the table i was infront of this all time. « I think you should thank me for not killing you, right ? ». I vigourously nodded. I didn't want to get hit. « What about your boyfriend's cock in this tight little ass hmm ? ». My eyes widened. « Or you could just tell me where you live babe. », he suggested.

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