3. Cum

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[ Y/N'S POV ]

« WHAT THE FUCK ! », i screamed when i looked at myself in my bathroom's mirror. « I-is that sperm ? ». I was in total shock. « I need to tell this to Bang Pd. ». I was about to get ready to see him until i heard a knock on my door. I can't open with cum on my face. « Y/N ! Just to tell you that we made breakfast so you can eat with us if you want. », You heard Namjoon's voice from outside. You sighed as he left to join the main room back. « I guess i will tell him about that later. Now i just need to focus on my work first. »

I washed my face, took a shower, put light makeup on and my suit back. Here it goes. Your first day of work. Everything seems chill now because it is alone 6 am but at 7:30 am, that's when you are going to be useful. I entered the main, and all the members were here. Even Yoongi. I bowed at them and they all greeted me. « Y/N-ah ! How did you sleep ? », Jin asked. « I-Ummm... Good... », i said with a small voice. I couldn't get the fact that someone cummed on my face yesterday.

« What is it Y/N ? You seem disturbed by something. » Namjoon asked. « Oh No, no,no,no ! Everythings fine ! ». They all nodded and started to eat. Yet i felt eyes on me. I lifted my head up from my coffee and saw Yoongi staring intensively at me while drinking a beer. Who drinks a beer at 6 am, seriously... His stare was cold and emotionless, just like yesterday. I guess he really doesn't like me. Everyone finished eating and got to their apartment to dress up.

When it was 7:30am, i got out of my apartment to knock on every member's door. « GUYS, THE VAN IS HERE ! EVERYONE SHOULD BE IN IT IN 5 MINS, DON'T RETARD THE MEETING ! », i yelled throught the corridor. All the boys started to get the elevator, one by one. I smiled but once again. Someone was missing. I sighed. « Boys, don't wait for me and go to the van. I'll get Yoongi. ». They agreed and took the elevator. Ok, Y/N. Don't worry, you got this ! I knocked on his door but no response.

I knocked three times and still nothing. I didn't want the group to be late so i just opened the door and it was surprisingly open. W-wait, so we can't lock the apartment ? I thought but i decided to ignore this to focus on my work. The apartment was dark and the blinds were still closed. « Yoongi ? Where are you, we need to hurry up befo- », i froze when i saw this.


Yoongi smirked. He knew she was here. He knew she was watching because she didn't know how to react. He purposely moaned at loud, making her blush. She was about to leave to move the photoshoot time but Yoongi spoke up. « You like what you see don't you ? ». He asked. She gulped. She turned around to not see it anymore. « You think i didn't notice that you watched stroking my dick for a minute. ». Y/N blushed out of embarassment. « Um, Y-yoongi, please dress yourself up. W-we are late. », she stuttered.

« Turn around Y/N. », he said. « No, thank you. » she replied. « That was an order, i am still your superior too. I can get your fired if you don't what i say. ». She sighed. She turned around to find him, standing up infront her naked. He was still pumping his lenght up and down when looking at her. She didn't move. She started to get scared. « I-i want to leave... », She whispered. He smirked and stroked himself faster. He was turned on by her fear and she knew it.

[ Y/N'S POV ]

« Touch it. ». He said. My eyes widened. « Yoongi that's enough ! I am not going to do it and now i am sure that you are the one who ejaculate on my face last night ! This is unacceptable a-and creepy ! I am going to tell Band Pd- », he scolfed. I frowned my eyebrows. « And you think he is going to believe you ? He never had any problems of this type with us before. And you think a newbie is going to change something ? » I stayed silent.

« Plus...If you do tell him, do you think he will believe you when you are the one trying to seduce the members ? ». I gasped. « What the hell are you even talking about. ». He chuckled before taking his phone on his bed and showed me a picture of my ass showing throught my skirt. « W-why do you a picture of my ass on your phone... ». « Oh this ? I just wanted something to empty my balls to and also i was expecting this reaction so, i guess blackmailing is a good idea. And i know you really need this job, don't you Y/N ? », he asked sarcastically.

I felt tears coming up my eyeballs because i knew i was about to do something i didn't want to do, but i had no choice. I need this job and this money to pay my sister's hospital treatment. I started to sobbed. « Oh also, i texted the boys and told them we had an emergency so they left without use, we have...Let's say, an hour. » I cried even more when he started to caress my shoulder. « STOP FUCKING CRYING IT'S ANNOYING ! », he screamed out of nowhere.

I jumped and tried to be more quiet. « So obedient. ». He slowly took my hand and put it on his hard cock. It was warm, i wanted to vomit. I really did not want to do this. « See... Y/N, you turn me on so much~ I can't wait to use as i want until you fall in love with me. » My body started to shake in fear. He sounded crazy. Is he ok in his mind. He moved my hand up and down. I was jerking him off. I heard him disgustingly moaning my name while he takes advantage of me.

« Aah~ F-fuck it feels good... I am sure you would love to have my cum on your face again, don't you ? », he asked. I started to panick. « N-no p-please i don't w- *slap* ». I gasped and immediately put my free hand on my cheek. Silent filled the room while he was still fucking my hand. « I didn't hear you right, what was that ? » he asked again. I was about to decline again until i saw him clenching his fist. « Y-yes... ». He smiled. « Yes what ? », he smirked.

« Yes, i want your cum on my face again... »

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