the story

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i love conan gray, leave my title choices alone


i'm not bothering anyone or anything, just quietly drawing in my room, when i hear my mom come upstairs. i've learnt the different footsteps of my wonderful family members. i turn around to greet her and what do i see? i'm not even sure but it was freaky as fuck. i'm not even on drugs, i'm pretty sure, and i see that kid's face on my door. wtf man? i scream, duh, and it goes away. now my mom thinks i'm than she though i was before.

i go downstairs, still a lil' jumpy from the dead dude's face, only to find the dead dude's mom, here to force questions down my throat again.

"shit." i groan.

"what's wrong, forgot to sober up for the guest?" zoe snarks as she walks past. my eyes are red, sure, but that's none of her business. god i hate this family.

i keep quiet and take my seat at the table, looking at the dead dude's mom and not breaking eye contact until she feels slightly awkward. one of my many talents is freaking people out.

"you gonna interrogate me again?" i ask warily. "cause i swear to god, lady—"

"connor!" cynthia interrupts. i wasn't even being that rude, was i? i roll my eyes and move food around on my plate. "i'm so sorry mrs. hansen—"

"please, call me heidi," wasn't heidi some swiss goat girl or something?

"right well we're so sorry about connor," cynthia apologizes for me. yet again. jesus i'm such a fucking disappointment. "he's been a bit on edge since..."

"this is normal for him, mom," zoe corrects. ah yes, the ever wonderful zoe murphy. she's allowed to call them by 'mom' and 'dad'. not me. "he's a jerk."

"thanks, beloved sister." i don't even look at her, just keep pushing my food around.

"your welcome, beloved brother."

"zoe, connor, enough." cynthia valiantly puts a stop to the madness. she then calls for aid from her ever so caring sidekick. "larry, can't you say something here?"

"connor, don't pick on your sister." and boom, larry has spoken! don't respond. don't respond. don't respond.

"is tonight not a good night?" heidi asks. i forgot she was here. poor thing.

"no, no, tonight is fine," cynthia smiles reassuringly. "please stay."

"ok..." she looks at me warily. of course it's me. it's always me.

we eat in silence, well... some people eat. cynthia eats, watching heidi out of the corner of her eye, zoe kinda eats, not looking at anyone but still looking at me, heidi eats, looking at everyone nervously (but especially yours truly), larry doesn't really eat, keeping his gaze on his wife and disaster child. all of this is pretty normal, but i feel someone else watching me. i whip my head around, looking around the room.

"connor, what are you doing?" zoe yet again puts emphasis on her not participating in anything i'm doing.

"none of your business." i snap back, looking around the room one more time before focusing on my plate again.

zoe shrugs, shooting a look to no one in particular that said 'what can i do? it's connor murphy.'

"so, connor," larry says eventually. "we all know why mrs. hansen is here."

"oh, no, it's ok."


"Please don't let Connor's rudeness—" Mr. Murphy glared at his son who glared back "—distract you from why you came here."

"No I asked my questions last time." My mom shook her head quickly. "I've gotten all my answers."

"Connor didn't answer anything though." Zoe pointed out. "He didn't even explain what happened."

Connor shot a withering glare at his sister but kept quiet, clearly still on edge from whatever made him look around.

"Connor, tell Heidi what happened that day and you can go to your room." Mrs. Murphy said.

"I could just leave now." Connor pointed out.

"But we wouldn't leave you alone." Zoe argued.

The two siblings stared at each other in silence for a little before Connor turned his attention to the others gathered around the table. "Fine. But then all of you leave me alone for 24 hours."

Mrs. Murphy seems to consider it while none of the other family members seem to care in the slightest.

"That's ok, Connor, please just tell Heidi what happened to her son."

Connor was silent for a beat then started talking, staring my mom directly in the eyes and with such intensity. It freaked me out and I wasn't even being stared at. "It was like, three am and I woke up and got stoned. At... five something I get the awesome idea to go for a walk so I walk around the block for a little while and end up in front of Ellison. I think 'why not go in there?' and just... enter." He's trying to make it sound less illegal but the park technically was closed. "So I'm wandering around and I find myself by this really tall... tree. Dunno what type of tree. I sit down and look around and hey would you look at that, there's another person here. Generally I don't like other people. I go see who's bothering me and there's this guy lying on the grass. His arm is bent super weird and his skull is bleeding. I just kinda stared at him for a while before piecing together what had happened. He jumped (or fell) from the tree. I have was trying to figure out how to call a morgue or wherever dead people go when I realized he was alive and just called 911. So much easier. They came, took the body, decided it was savable and dragged me along with them to the hospital. I couldn't really answer any of their questions cause I didn't actually know the dude, I just knew he was in my school, but the examined his pockets and found out his name was Evan Hansen, he was 17 and... that was about it... I think. So I'm just standing there, wondering when I can go and if they doctors could tell I was high when the dude flatlines. Just like that he dies. I go home. End of story." Connor wasn't the best storyteller but he did a good job of explaining what had happened. He waited for a second then stood up and left. I felt like I should stay with my mom but I also wanted to follow Connor. I gave up, waved a useless goodby to my mom and followed Connor upstairs.

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