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            TaeMin had been unable to sleep for such a long time that the affects were beginning to take a toll on him. Shadows became monsters, voices turning from regular words to threats. He should have been concerned about his well-being but his child was his main priority. It was causing him grief always twisting and turning inside of him. All the confusion in the institution wasn’t helping either.

            Dr. Park came in frustrated with something and ended up crowing about all sort of things that TaeMin didn’t understand. He was hooked up to machines one second only to be taken off of them afterwards. The constant change was wreaking havoc with more than his body. His head was whizzing with ideas (none of them too positive) while his baby was crying its discomfort in the womb.

            Once, during a time he couldn’t settle down into sleep, he was attacked by debilitating cramps that tore through his abdomen. The torment came in periods, slicing his intestines, and then finally calming down for a while. It would spike up into an agonizing episode again that had TaeMin sobbing as he wished for the ordeal to be over.

            Through the flood of his tears he pressed his mind for memories he’d meant to keep locked forever. If he dug into those he could remind himself about the precious torture he’d survived… Albeit, even the crisscross of cut decorating his body wasn’t enough to rule out the pain he was feeling.

            He wept; spit clogging his throat and creating a challenge for him in terms of breathing. He was sobbing, but they came out silent. The brief moments between the spasms gave him enough time to hack out the fluids in his lungs. A horrible smell flared in TaeMin’s nostrils. Soon a metallic taste flooded his mouth and the puddles in his lungs grew.

            One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            Another crippling pain and TaeMin whelped.

            The door opened finally, letting in a worker who’d heard the ruckus as he’d been walking by. From what TaeMin was able to see he saw panic on the man’s face. It reflected back onto him, filling his breast and invading his chest cavity as it aided in strangling the air out of him. The worker’s features were practically disfigured by the emotion as he raced to his side, scanning the machines, pressing buttons only to stall and return his attention to something else.

            One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            Pain, pain everywhere. He could feel it. Somewhere. Everywhere. A hammer bludgeoning his stomach, his baby raking at his insides as it fought a battle between life and death. Cavaliers, armadas all gathering their troops and infiltrating his base ship. They wanted to tear him down and here TaeMin was incapable of fighting back – incapable of remembering his name.

            One, two, three.

            One, one, one!

            ONE, ONE, ONE, ONE, ONE.

            “Dr. Park! Dr. Park! Someone get the doctor!”

            ONE, ONE, ONE.

            What came after one?!

            His baby cried, making its displeasure known. The tantrum it was throwing wasn’t making the situation any more tolerable, though.          

            One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            And then the doctor came…


            Where was that coming from?

            One, two, three, four, five – sobbing – six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            Nothing. It was almost as if TaeMin had imagined the whole thing…

            People surrounded him on all sides. With closed eyes he wasn’t able to see their intrigued stares, but he felt them. Burning in his skin and judging. If his tears fell the wrong way they’d jot it down on their clipboards, forming a critique on him to use for their next experiments.

            He willed himself to stop sobbing. It hurt when his chest arched up too high. With his inflated belly adding weight it made a near snapping action that his spine didn’t enjoy…

            Staring… They needed to stop staring…

            One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…



THE BABY MILL [[{SHINee}]]Where stories live. Discover now