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            The air around MinHo’s head was foggy. With glazed eyes he stroked his hand up and down his shaft. He tried to seek some soft of ecstasy from the ordeal but he couldn’t get past that swelling, red flesh that whined with every squelch.

            Sweat dampened his brow. Droplets trickled down his spine and puddle in his lower back, right where his bottom curved out into the few places that still had fat stored.

            Up and down. If he could push himself a little further then he could get the floor manager and his gang of baboons out of his room to have peace restored again. He could settle on his mattress and concoct more ideas on how to overthrow Dr. Park because he would one way or another.

            But as his hand performed the usual routine it was impossible to refute the stabs of pain in his shaft. When his fingers his the base it nudged a blister that had formed during one of these sessions. It was close to splitting open which would surely erupt into some more pain. Pressing on would only make it worse. His shaft was already cherry red, the swelling tagged along making it hard to urinate.

            “Dr. Park requests the presence of Donor 32 in the examination room immediately.”

            The sudden presence of a voice in the room made everyone stop in their steps. With a flick of his wrist a worker had captured MinHo’s hand, ceasing any movement he’d been about to make. Panting, the donor was all but willing to stop. His eyes centered on the she-devil where she stood.

            She was hardly taller than any of the men in the room, coming only to MinHo’s shoulder yet she commandeered the area around her like someone befitting the title of captain. Though she held no fire arm, MinHo feared her. She didn’t need a sniper to make ea head shot.

            “Why now? He’s scheduled for - ”

            “Do you think that I am unaware of his schedule? The doctor demands he be transferred to the examination room.”

            “What for?” the floor manager grumbled beneath his breath. It felt like someone had cracked a whip in the room so fast did the she-devil turn her head. The glare she pinned on the man burned holes through his uniform.

            “Has your judgement been clouded? You are not qualified to be criticizing the doctor’s calls! Now get this donor’s pants up and bring him to the examination room!” Her voice got louder and louder surpassing a level that MinHo’s delicate ears didn’t appreciate. Being this long kept in solitude had repercussions after all. And his roommate before hadn’t exactly been the chatty type.

            The strength in the she-devil’s tone wasn’t what shocked him the most, however. He’d come to know the woman and the way she held herself. She was a spitfire and often dared to contradict the doctor but when it came down to business she never let her image falter. If someone showed disrespect or incapability to properly complete a task she was quick to reprimand, but never in a way that would undermine her credibility.

            “Yes ma’am,” the floor manager murmured. Sarcasm dripped off his words but the workers yanked up his pants, knocking his sack and semi-erect member with the waist band as they did.

            He was able to follow along, not like he had much of a choice with the men flanking him on all sides. Questions about why he was being brought to the examination room crossed his mind. What could the doctor possibly want with him? At such an inconvenient time in their schedule (though MinHo wasn’t about to voice any complaints).

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