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            Onew’s surroundings were all too familiar. He stared at the army of staff around him as he was moved from room to room. Yet another issue had come up in terms of his health and they had to bring him back to the medical wing. The carrier should have foreseen it considering he never got to say in his room anymore.

            Dr. Park marched at the side of his gurney, glaring straight ahead while they migrated. His body was rigid, marked with more than one stress knot beneath the surface. By his expression alone Onew could see the annoyance blaring out of him. He was in a tough time after all with the attempt at escape a while ago and the deteriorating health of his prized carrier.

            The hard life of a pedigree.

            It was a struggle for breath now. Each passing day Onew struggled to inhale oxygen into his lungs. The mass on his stomach had expanded while the doctor had busied himself with his own matters. It wasn’t a mountain yet but it was well on its way.

            “His area has been prepared,” Onew heard the woman inform the doctor.

            “Everything? Have you set up the ventilator as well?”

            “The only thing missing from the arrangement is the actual body, sir.”

            “Quit being smart with me! This isn’t just some other carrier we’re handling here!” snapped Dr. Park.

            Onew closed his eyes to the quip, having become used to their incessant quarrels. He focused on himself, the aches in his bones, the life he’d been meatn to have. Next to him he heard Dr. Park order the woman to get the ultrasound machine prepped because he wanted to get all the details on Onew’s and the baby’s health. Onew had noticed how he didn’t stall on things ever since the power outage. He didn’t seem to want to be caught in such a situation again where he had no control over anything.

            Unlike the last few times Onew had found himself in the medical wing he was invited by the burn of fluorescent lights and shining through his eyelids. He craved the darkness which he wouldn’t’ have for another long while. A creepy sensation overrode all of his other senses save for hi sense of smell which was overwhelmed with the scent of peroxide and illness. Albeit, his mind was partial to tricking him on that point.

            His body always reeked of disease now that he wasn’t leased the luxury of his usual soap and moisturizer. If he could have his shampoo that smelled like strawberries against he would force himself to smile.

            Wires hooked onto his body. A couple tubes were shoved into his nose. It wasn’t a pleasant experience to have the foreign objects move within his nostrils. He felt all the more violated when new IVs were inserted into his arms.

            While the workers did their job, Dr. Park lingered by Onew’ side, burning down anyone with his eyes alone if he found they weren’t doing their job properly. His fingers tapped impatiently against the poles on the side of the bed, anxious for the ultrasound to begin. He’d been the first to notice after all, that Onew’s belly growth was going along too rapidly for it to be normal. Alongside the shortness of breath and other complications it was easy to derive that something was amiss.

            “Hurry it up; we don’t have all day,” he grumbled.

            Everyone in the room tried to pick up the pace. With a couple more comments spat out by the doctor they finished their job (totally oblivious to how their speed was agonizing to Onew). They wouldn’t get the okay until Dr. Park checked him over to see that everything was done well. They were allowed to relax on the sidelines and let the two leaders do their work as no one else was allowed to perform ultrasounds on Onew lest it was specifically specified otherwise.

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