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           Sneaking on tiptoe back to their room was no easy feat. The institution had more people hustling around now. They’d stayed perhaps a moment too late and it had caused them more panic than it should have. MinHo was thankful to JongHyun’s whose sharpened senses guided them through the short maze safely.

            He was grateful to be in his room for once. The bed was inviting, but he chose to pace the room instead. The hurried steps helped him clear his head. Disappointment poisoned the air around him. As it filtered through his lungs he felt it invade his bloodstream.

            He should have considered himself lucky to be in his room and not behind the locked doors, but his feelings conflicted him once more.

            “Your carrier… He was a super model, right?” MinHo asked, pausing face first at a wall. He assumed his roommate nodded, though he never checked. The news had probably blown up at his disappearance… Unlike his own carrier…

            He’d wanted to meet him even more when the file had come to his hands. He knew this boy; he had talked to him and saved him from bullies, ultimately failing to protect him since he was locked up in here. If Key had been any guarantee for the carriers’ condition he didn’t have much hope. Especially with him apparently being with child…

            Where was he?

            The desire to help him overwhelmed him. It came like a wave towering above his head crashing down on his head and eating him up. Bubbles blew out of his nose, taking away some of his spirit, but not his frustrations. He needed the waves to push him towards his carrier so he could save him. Or do something to alleviate his pain.

            “I don’t know if you’ll understand,” MinHo murmured, turning around at last. JongHy8un sat on the bed, staring attentively at him. He understood everything without anyone telling him. “But I need my carrier… I know him; there’s something big that I feel with him.”

            JongHyun nodded, though MinHo wasn’t too sure he truly understood.

            Sighing, MinHo flipped his hair out of his eyes and traveled to the bed. He crashed on the space beside his roommate, clutching the pillow close to his cheek. The rough material grated his cheek, distracting him slightly. A few moments later JongHyun had the blanket draped over his body. Unusually, though, it didn’t seem like he was ready to settle into sleep.

            There was no shifting behind MinHo. JongHyun was silent and stiff like if there was iron in his body forcing him to keep a statuesque composure. He thought to be imagining it at first, but soon the discomfort grew enormous. Eyes were piercing creepily into the back of his head until he rolled angrily onto his opposite side.

            “What?” he snapped, frustrated enough as is.

            JongHyun’s blank green stare berated him. Behind the dilated pupils he harboured a ferocity that unnerved him. Deep in his chest cavity something quivered and broke loose, attracted to the other boy’s sense of determination.

            With his chapped lips it was difficult to make out JongHyun’s words. Frankly, MinHo wasn’t in the mood to decipher his code either. With a smooth flap his eyelids descended over his eyes and shut out the other human being, prepared to fly off to an alternate universe. Maybe his carrier would be waiting for him there… Holding his identity made it easier to merge the face of the boy he’d known and the blurred face of his carrier. One and the same. Tweaking the scars off the school version, adding a stretched belly to his thin frame and altering his skin colour.. The final touch was making it so the same walls surrounded them both…

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