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            The bitter cold of the metal seared TaeMin’s skin with a hate like no other. There was such a contrast between his feverish skin and the metal table he was bent over that it felt like he was a piece of meat with freezer burn in a long forgotten kitchen. The discomfort in his face was, unfortunately, not enough to blind the boy from the discomfort he felt below.

            Once again he found himself with his bare bottom exposed to the eyes of the strangers he’d lived with for more than a year now, catching the breeze of recycled air with his skin that was taking on an unhealthier hue every day. His cheeks were spread out almost as wide as his legs, or at least it certainly felt that way to TaeMin. He should have predicted that he’d have ended up in this position again, though. On his knees… Bent over a table with two people pinning his arms down so he wouldn’t be able to flee when the syringe was inserted. It seemed to purely be precaution on the workers’ parts as TaeMin had not once even moved an inch during these sessions in a long time. There was no will. There was no desire to peel himself off the table he was squashed against. With the depression he was in he could barely motivate himself enough to lift his head during bathing hours.

            “How’s the entrance?” a female doctor question.

            TaeMin could practically picture her glancing down at her clipboard over her half moon glasses. He’d seen her many times before during his routine check-ups. Enough to know that behind the lens of her glasses there was nothing but a pair of sharp eyes to dig into your heart with razor sharp edges. There was a petite body under the lab coat adorning her body and every single bone in it was filled with sadism and not marrow. She was one of the worst… One word from that woman could send the fists into someone’s stomach. One look from her and he might find himself behind closed doors that would never be opened again. If he so much as squirmed he could be left to rot with the other boy’s who’d struck out.

            “Swollen, but no sign of infection,” a man answered.

            She nodded; he could see that even when he couldn’t see her. From the corner of his eye he distinguished a movement. Soon he was eye level with the woman’s calves. The slit separating her coat dangled open slightly, revealing her perfectly pressed dress pants underneath. A crease lined the sides to show how she’d probably ironed it that morning and no spot of lint or loose hair vandalizing it anywhere.

            Perfection at its worst.

            “You’re doing well,” her nasal voice pierced into TaeMin’s sensitive ears. “Maybe this time you won’t strike out again. That is… If you can even fertilize again.” She was enjoying this so much that she could barely conceal her cackling. It made TaeMin sick to his stomach to witness her pleasuring in his pain. The malice lacing her words turned the ice blue of her soul into a beautiful silk handkerchief that she used to suffocate the innocent with.

            TaeMin stayed silent so as to not provoke her and prayed desperately that she would stop scrutinizing him and give the command to inseminate already.

            One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            Finally, the click clack of her heels eased the panic swelling TaeMin’s chest. They faded to an area behind him before silencing altogether. That laser beam stare of hers fixated on his nude behind, documenting each sore, bruise, bump, lesion and freckle. Every single detail had to be marked down in order for Dr. Park to be content with the examination.

            “How’s the inside?” she questioned.

            “All is clear; no bumps or any unnatural formations.”

            Yeah, nothing unnatural but the uterus pushing against his other organs.

            “Is the syringe prepared?”

            “Affirmative, ma’am.”

            “Let’s go then! We have six others to finish before break!”

            Quite a ruckus ensued the evil lady’s outburst. TaeMin squished his eyes shut until his eyelashes tangled together. His tears aided him by acting like flue and blocking him from opening his eyes until the moment had passed.

            Nausea threatened to take over the trembling boy. It pushed bile up to stain the roof of his mouth with a disgusting taste. It was like a thousand sweaty socks had been brewed in swamp water and garnished with the yolks of rotten boils eggs. It was probably just preparing him for the dump he was headed for.

            One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            Another barked out order abused the scrambling workers. It wouldn’t be long until they spread apart his cheeks and gave him a new batch of semen.

            Chunks turned in TaeMin’s stomach, simmering in a hearty portion of acid. He couldn’t afford to upchuck his breakfast. Not when he was as famished as he was during these times.

            Cold fingers suddenly pushed against his gluts. They weren’t shy with their touches, even pinching his sensitive areas in an amusing greeting of some sort. Breezes blew over his skin, chilling him with the same effect dry ice had. Splitting him apart from the center until he was probably just a hole where tiny babies would slide in like they would at a park.

            Onew, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

            “Make sure you get it all in.”

            What had seemed to be such a large opening in TaeMin’s mind shrunk down to the size of an ant hole as it was filled with the tube holding his future. Odd pressures poked at him from all directions, seemingly forcing up all the bile with it. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he forced himself to swallow the rising liquids. His hole simultaneously suctioned at the syringe, licking up every last drop of its treat – to be polite of course. It was exactly like those times when you went to a friend’s place and you didn’t like the food, but you pretended that you did. And just to show them how “great” their food was you ate every single disgusting morsel on your plate.

            “Is it in?”

            She would burn in hell one day. TaeMin would be willing to let her drag him along if she got pushed into the hell fires, but she’d be going down one way or another.


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