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            It was another trip to the shower for JongHyun. He almost felt nostalgic returning to this place. Here was where he’d met MinHo after all. He hated to admit it but without that guy he wouldn’t have been able to connect with Key. He would never take that bac, no matter the number of bruises marring his skin at the moment.

            Though he certainly wouldn’t say that he enjoyed the extra men observing him while he washed. JongHyun could have definitely gone without them lathering soap over his unkempt regions. He could have dealt without the wandering hands and fingers, too… But he would have to deal with it if he wanted to live. He couldn’t bare with any more beatings.

            If only it was so easy to forget about the pain in his chest. He missed Key… They hadn’t known each other long yet JongHyun was sickened by the fact that his carrier was still in the hands of Satan’s henchmen.

            At least he had the constant flow of water there to give him something to focus his mind on.

            He was another boy on the production line. They calculated his time in the showers to the T. They didn’t allot time for him to dry himself off, simply threw throwing his clothes at him and waiting with crossed arms while he struggle to pull the white clothing on.

            The walk back to his room felt a little more sombre this time around, though. JongHyun felt like he was on death row waiting for his last meal.

            He knew every hallway now, too. He’d spend endless times studying the stolen blue prints with MinHo and now they were permanently engraved in his head. The corner coming up on his left would lead back to a hallway that would lead to carriers. The opposite hallway would lead him to the medical wing.

            Key was probably still in one of those beds… Closed in by curtains he was most likely too weak to push back. He’d been hooked up to wires the last time he had seen him. Key… So vulnerable under the cruel hand of fate.

            They were approaching the forked hallways when the lid on Pandora’s box opened wide. The little crack that had been leaking evil was annihilated completely. Chips of wood encrusted in various symbols tumbled around JongHyun. Everyone earned a few splinters when it did, but not one man moved.

            The donor’s ears were assaulted in the mayhem. An incredibly loud wail of a noise sounded throughout the area. With wide eyes he glanced around the place, watching as red light flashed on and off the white walls. He knew this all too well. He had heard this once before.

            Something was being announced through the speakers. JongHyun ignored it. His whole body was thrumming to the same beat as the siren. He could feel his pulse pounding in his ears, the noises slowly receding till only his body’s music was heard. Sweat pooled up in his palms. He was trembling all over, even his knees knocked together. He felt energized… Wound up with this new found energy that lassoed him and sucked the air right out of him.

            “Get him back to his room. Now!” one guy’s gruff voice barked.

            It clicked in JongHyun’s head that he had to act fast. They wouldn’t keep him out of contained grounds for long in such a situation. If he got locked away now then he would miss his chance completely. Who knew if he would ever get to have this opportunity again?

            There was no room for hesitation.

            One man already had his wrist in a vice grip. JongHyun shocked them all, himself even, at the strength he used to the man away from him. With stealth he had thought he’d lost he weaved between the others that tried to get a hold of him.

            No way, no how, he thought to himself. There was absolutely no way he was letting those monsters keep him from reaching his goal. He would achieve it if it was the last thing he did.

            He could hear them shouting after him but he pressed on. The strength had been hibernating but induced by his adrenaline it came out with no strings attached.

            Eventually he couldn’t hear the workers any more. They were probably too preoccupied with the demands of the big boss to pay him any mind. Hopefully there was a fire waiting to gorge itself on his skin. He would be more than a little ecstatic if that were to happen, but he doubted it.

            He ran, never once feeling short of breath. JongHyun persevered till he was bursting through the doors leading to the medical wing. It was just like he last remembered it.

            It was just a matter of locating the right bed now. Somewhere in this room Key was here and he would find him and free himself from this prison. They could leave and find themselves normal lives again.

            JongHyun scanned the beds, pulling back curtains and leaving the place a disaster. He was like a Tasmanian devil searching for his prize. It took longer than he would have wanted but he found him. He was there practically waiting for him despite not even being completely conscious.

            Key’s eyes cracked open a bit. He tried to say something but the donor quickly silenced him.

            “Shhh… Shhh…” He pushed some sweaty locks away from Key’s forehead and abruptly ceased his time for comforting the carrier. They didn’t’ have time for this.

            There was no doubt that Key wouldn’t be able to walk this time. He would need to wheel him out on the bed he was on. It’d be difficult with all these machines but… JongHyun had no choice. He unplugged a few things, only keeping what he knew to be necessary with his medical background. No sooner had he completed that he was off.

            This was their last chance. 

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