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            It came as no surprise to Onew when Dr. Park commanded his assistants to wheel him out of the room he was in now to the medical wing. What good it would do him he wasn’t able to pry out of the man. The medical equipment was no use with the power still out… But the doctor claimed that it was necessary in order for him to keep an eye on him at all times.

            “I don’t like it,” barked the doctor.

            “Then why did you fertilize him again even when you knew his body wouldn’t be able to carry full term without risk?” the woman retorted, appearing as if she wasn’t in the mood to play the doctor’s games.

            “His body was fine before.” But the lie was clear as day. Even Dr. Park couldn’t fool himself. Deep down he knew that there had always been a risk…

            His brows furrowed, the vein in his temple twitched, building up into something of close to a throb ready to pummel anyone that got in a ten mile radius of it. It looked like it had a life of its own, moving under the doctor’s skin the way it was… I was chuckling at its own failure in a way Onew would have if he hadn’t been the butt of the joke.

            “What are you doing standing around? Get things prepared for the transfer!” Dr. Park shouted. His clipboard flew out of his hand, landing with a crash on the counter. “Go!

            And they had ended it there and now Onew was staring at the ceiling as they changed him rooms. Though the floor was generally smooth every now and then the gurney hit a nag and he was shaken painfully. The wheels ricocheted and vibrated everything from the metal bars raised on each side to the thin mattress supporting Onew’s frame.

            His discomfort was made known by his groan which drew out from deep within his scraggly chest…

            They should have taken him to a real hospital… To get him real treatment with machines that were backed up by more than Dr. Park’s petty system.

            Staying hidden from the law had its disadvantages, Onew thought.

            “The shipments have arrived,” the woman said after conversing quietly with a worker.

            Onew strained an ear to listen, hoping to hear something that might do something to alleviate his suffering. He didn’t understand why he kept pushing himself to find some good in the doctor… By now he should have accepted that he was corrupted and unable to return to planet earth. But like some wise person had said once: one can never forget their first love, no matter how hard one tries… They will always hold a special place in your heart.

            “I want him hooked up as fast as you can,” Dr. Park said.

            Blank space splotched with voices. Time was ticking… Onew could feel the hands ticking inside of him, pushing DNA strands together, forming tissues, sculpting hands, knuckles – finger nails.

            Breathing became a challenge. Breathing wasn’t meant to be a challenge. Short gasps spiked his chest with pins and needles out of nowhere. Anxiety scraped his stomach clean, leaving that hollow, burning spot that weaved with the acid that was probably corroding his intestines. He’d never be able to fill that hole any more. His panic was cultivating itself in him. Logic wasn’t able to pierce through the weeds to coach him through the moment. The more time he spent here the less control he had over his body… And he was feeling that now…

            Slowly losing control… Glimpses of white, the jolts of pain when his eyes rolled into the back of his head and back again. Wetness bathed the corner of his mouth, gushing out like an overflowing water bottle after twisting off the cap, gushing down his cheek and neck.

THE BABY MILL [[{SHINee}]]Where stories live. Discover now