Chapter 3: Hanging Out

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This chapter is dedicated to ItzRoseee for making the cover above! I love it loads :)

Brianna's POV

Once the bell rang I grabbed all my stuff and called my dad. "Hey sweety I'm almost at the school." My dad said.

"Actually I was wondering, could I ride home with a friend?" The line was silent till I heard a long sigh.

"Is this friend a boy or girl?"

"Her name is Allison, and she is really nice. She introduced me to her other friend Lydia and they invited me to go over to Lydia's house to hang out. Pleeaassseee can I?" I begged.

"I guess. But you text me when you get to her house." I laughed and nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay I will. Love you bye."

I met up with Allison outside where she was talking to Lydia. "Hey my dad said I could come over, we still hanging out tonight?"

"Yeah! Are you riding with us?" Allison asked.

"If that's okay?" She nodded and grabbed her keys from her bag. Allison then got in the drivers seat of the car, Lydia in the front beside her and me in the back.


"So Brianna do you have a boyfriend? Like that would still be living in South Carolina?" Lydia asked.

Right now we were up in Lydia's room listening to music and painting our nails. This is literally the stereo typical 'girls hanging out' they put all over TV. Back home I didn't have that many close friends I would actually hang out with. Hanging out here with Lydia and Allison for the past two hours has actually been a lot of fun.

My eyes widened at her question. "Um uh no. I've never really had a boyfriend," I said awkwardly.

Allison and Lydia both looked at me shocked. "What? Why? You're like, gorgeous!" Allison said. I blushed and looked down at my nails.

"Guys just don't like me I guess and I'm kinda shy around guys," I replied.

"You seemed fine around Scott and Stiles." Allison said.

"Well I decided to take risks and push away my shyness; but I'm still kinda working on it."

"Well maybe we can help you on that. Any guys seem cute?"

I just shrugged. "I've only been here two days, give me some time and I'll let you know." I said and laughed a little.

"What about you you guys? Are y'all in relationships?"

"I'm not, anymore." Allison said sadly.

"Mmm... the new guys, the twins. Ethan and Aidan? I want one." Lydia smirked and started to twirl her hair.

While she was twirling her hair I noticed something on her wrist. "Hey Lydia, whats that on your wrist?" She looked at me confused then looked down at her wrist.

"Oh it's a bruise. Some weird phsyco chick came and grabbed mine and Allison's arm and then left." Allison then held her wrist beside Lydia's.

"It looks like a logo or something. Ya know I think I saw something that looked like that on my way here. I have this weird thing where I notice little details about things." I bit my lip."Here can I see your laptop Allison?"

She nodded and handed it to me. I typed some stuff like logos and symbols in Beacon Hills. I then saw it. "There! Right here!" I clicked on one and it pulled up a website.

"Beacon Hills First National Bank. It says it was open for a little bit till it was robbed and then closed down. Now it's just an abandoned building down town."

Allison's eyes widened and grabbed her phone. "I'm gonna call Scott and tell him what we found out."

"No! Don't tell Scott, remember what Derek said it's nothing. We are useless to him so I guess him and his little pack are on their own." Lydia said and crossed her arms.

"Pack? What are y'all talking about, who is Derek?" They both looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh um I didn't say pack. I said- you know what it doesn't matter," Lydia said nervously.

"Well who is Derek?"

"I said it doesn't matter."

I just nodded and stayed quiet as they talked quietly to each other. "Hey I forgot I have some homework I need to do so I think it's time I head home." I said, trying to excuse myself out of the awkward situation that just occurred.

"Okay I'll give you a ride home. I have home work too," Allison offered. "Lydia I'll pick you up in the morning. Text me when you're ready to leave." Allison gathered up all her stuff and we said a quick 'goodbye' to Lydia before we left.

I told her where I lived and she dropped me off. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the front door walking in.

"Dad I'm home!" I pulled off my jacket and threw it on the couch.

"In the kitchen!" I heard him holler.

I walked in the kitchen and saw my dad. I went and gave him a hug. "You smell like hospital." I said and laughed. My father is a doctor and he got a great offer to work at the local hospital here in Beacon Hills.

"Well, I do work at a hospital." He laughed and started to clean up.

"So you got take out?" I said pointing to the food he was cleaning up. "Any left?" I smiled cheekily at him. I have to admit, I was really hungry.

"Yes but it's my lunch tomorrow." He smiled at me then kissed my cheek and went upstairs. I sighed and decided just to make some cereal. Yup. That's a good dinner.

I finished eating and went upstairs to my room to start my home work. While I was doing that I started to wonder what Lydia meant by pack. I don't think she meant what I think. But then she also said Derek but that could mean anyone.

But pack and Derek, it just makes sense. I stood up and went down to our basement where all my mothers research was. My mother was a scientist, but not just any scientist. She studied the supernatural. Yes supernatural, like Werewolves and anything like that.

Once she... passed away. I started going through all her research and I was never sure if I believed her or not.

I pulled out this box with the label "Hale" and started to read. Then I came across the familiar name I've read a lot about. "Derek Hale"

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