Chapter 19: Plan

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(A/N This chapter is based on Season 3 episode 9, with some minor changes to go along with my story)

I pulled up to school in my new car I compelled myself. It's pretty hot if I do say so myself.

I got stares, mostly from guys, as I made my way into school. I rolled my eyes as I walked through the front door.

I smirked when I saw people staring at the broken doors and lockers. "Hey Brianna!" I heard some one call my name. I turned around and saw Lydia and Allison make their way toward me.

Oh gosh. I put on a fake smile and approached them. "Hey guys!" 

"Wow, love the outfit." Lydia said to me.


 "Hey I'm so sorry about your dad. I lost my mom, I understand what you're going through." Allison said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"No you don't. No one really does, at least you still have your dad. Maybe you know this or not, word travels fast here, but my mom is dead too. So yeah, I'm an orphan." I said and walked away. They didn't come after me. Why would they though?

I approached my locker and opened it. I looked in the little mirror hanging on the inside of the door. I pulled out my makeup and re-coated my lipstick.

I smiled and put it up, fixing my hair. I turned it a little and saw some one standing behind me. I closed it and turned around.

"Hi Isaac." I say to him. I think that's his name. 

"Hey Brianna, look I know we don't know each other that well, but I want to say I'm sorry that you lost both your parents. I get it, both of mine are dead too" My smile fell as I felt this pinching feel in my stomach.

I pushed it aside and looked up at him. Wow he's tall. "Thank you. It's really hard but I'll get through it." I said with fake sympathy. I don't care.

"Well if you ever need anything, I'm here." He smiled at me and started to walk away. I went after him and grabbed his arm.

"There is something I need actually." He looked down at me. I grabbed his face in my hands and looked into his eyes. "You're going to be my boyfriend. You'll do anything I need, when I need it."

He nodded and I let go if his face. "Great! Carry my books and walk me to class." He took my books in his right hand and held mine with the other. I smirked as we walked to Economics.

Once we got to Finstocks class I took my books from his hand and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at me and walked away.

All part of my plan. I strutted into class and sat down in the back. "Hey Brianna, looking good." Some random guy said to me, eyeing me down.

"Greenberg! Keep your mouth shut!" Finstock yelled at him, then turned to the board, writing something down.

"Yeah Greenberg, keep your mouth shut." He leaned over to me, about to say something but he sat there confused. He looked over at me and touched his mouth.

That douche deserves it. The second I got here he's been staring at my ass.


I walked in her class with Isaac by my side. "I'll see you later." I kissed his cheek and he walked out.

I looked over at her and smirked. Her face is priceless. "Miss Hollis may I speak to you please." She stopped me before I could sit anywhere.

I walked up to her desk and smiled at her. "What do you think you're doing! You don't have control." She whispered/yelled at me.

"And what are you doing with Isaac Lahey, he's part of Derek's pack." I rolled my eyes. 

"He's part of my plan to learn control. I was thinking I could feed off him till I learn control. I mean, not harm done. He'll heal."

She looked at me shocked. "That's actually a smart idea." I smiled and turned around. I looked around for somewhere to sit.

I saw an empty seat behind Scott and beside Lydia. I made my way over and sat down. Scott turned around and faced me. "Hey um, random question about yesterday uh, do you know what animal attacked the two hikers?"

Really? That's the first question he asks me? Not, Hey where did you run off to at the hospital? Or ask if I'm okay. I mean I don't care but it's still rude to ask a question like that.

"I don't know. When I got there I found them like that," I shrugged and opened my textbook.

 "Another question, why were you covered in blood?" I jerked my head back surprised. Lie, I need to think of a lie.

"I uh- the boy was still alive when I got there and I tried to help him, but it was too late." I hope he wasn't listening to my heart because it's beating so fast right now.

"One more question-"

 "Look Scott I don't think I really want to talk about it and class is about to start." He nodded and turned around right as the bell rung.

"Idioms, analogy's, metaphors, and similes." Ms. Blake said starting off class, walking around the room. "All tools a writer uses to tell their story." She stopped between me and Lydia and looked over at Lydia's paper.

"Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many talents." I looked over and saw Lydia drawing a tree. 

"You and every guy I ever dated." She remarked looking up at her.

"Uh, well, that was an idiom, by the way." She looked away uncomfortably and started walking back up toward the classroom.

"Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or, the culture. There are phrases that only make sense if you key words. Saying 'Jump the gun' is meaningful only if you know the starting gun in a race or a phrase like 'seeing the whole board',"

 "Like chess." I looked over at Stiles.

"That's right Stiles, do you play?" She asked him. 

"Uh no, my father does." She smiled at him. 

"Now when does an idiom become a cliche?"

I saw Scott turn to Stiles. "I think I can get to Ethan, i'm pretty sure I can make him talk." I kept my eyes on Ms. Blake as if I was still listening to her, but I tuned in to Scott and Stiles.

"What do you want to do that for?" 

"The druids are emissaries right? So what if the Darach, was an emissary to the alphas?" What Scott was talking about seemed all familiar, but it was hard to put my finger on. Maybe I read about something like that in my mothers research.

"Okay first of all I can't believe that we've gotten to the point where a sentence like, what if the darach is an emissary to the alphas actually makes sense to me. Second of all we are gonna have a huge problem getting to Ethan." 

"What's that?"

"Getting through Aiden."

"Ever since he's been back at school they're always together, how are we gonna separate them?" They looked at each other then it was like an idea popped in their mind at the same time.

They turned around and looked at Lydia. She looked up at them annoyed. "What now?"


I paced around in the girls bathroom. I'm starving. I kept calling Isaac, who's phone number I got after 1st period. I called a third time and he still didn't answer so I left a voice-mail.

"Why haven't you answered? Where are you? Why aren't you at school? Look, Isaac I need you right now. Please call me as soon as you get this."

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