Chapter 17: Off

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Stiles' POV

"So why are we here?" Scott asked Melissa as we walked into the morgue at the hospital.

"Two hikers, found dead this morning, one girl was there, no injuries but she was covered in blood. We think she was the one who found them, and maybe tried to help but, she won't talk." Melissa removed the sheet from each face of the hikers.

"This doesn't look like sacrifices. Animal attack maybe?" I said looking at the two holes on the each of their necks.

"I'm not sure. I'm thinking supernatural." She whispered. 

"Why do you think that?" I asked and she covered them back up.

"They were both drained of blood," she explained and shook her head, trying to process it.

Scott and I looked at each other. "Who was the girl?"

"You know the girl who lost her dad, Brianna? Is that her name?" My eye's widened. 

"We need to talk to her." I said quickly.

Melissa nodded and showed us to her room. There were cops standing outside of it. I saw my dad talking to some people in the waiting room.

"Look, she's pretty shaken up. She hasn't said a word since she got here. I understand she has gone through a lot, so go easy on her," He said sadly. We nodded and one of the deputies at the door opened it and let us in.

"Brianna?" The room was kinda dark so it was hard to see. The lights were off and the only light was coming from outside. I looked around and saw a figure standing against the back of the wall.

"Y-you need to leave." She said, barely above a whisper. 

"Look I know your scared but you need to tell us what happened." Scott said from beside me.

"N-no y-you, It wasn't my fault. I-I," She started mumbling random stuff I couldn't really understand.

She held onto her head and groaned in pain. I looked over at Scott and saw he had the same confused face I had.

"Brianna what happened?" I asked quietly. 

She looked up slowly. "It was an animal attack. I just found their bodies." She then walked over to us.

I looked her up and down and saw dried blood on her clothes. "I need to leave." She mumbled and pushed past us and out of the room.

I rushed out after her but when I got to the hall she was no where to be seen. I stood there for a while and saw Scott walk out talking to someone on the phone.

"Who is it?" He hung up and stuck his phone in his pocket. "That was Lydia, she said she found another body."

(A/N If you don't remember this is when Lydia, Allison, Scott, and Stiles find the dead cop at the school.)

Brianna's POV

I ran out of the hospital. I was afraid I might attack Stiles or Scott and I can't have anyone know I killed those innocent people.

I don't even know where I was going I just kept running. I stopped when I realized I was back at my house. I sighed in relief as I walked up to my front porch.

I stopped when I saw the front door cracked open. I remembered closing that. I pushed it open slowly.

I walked in hesitantly, listening for any sounds of moment. "Hello?!" I called out. I then heard footsteps from behind me.

I turned around and grabbed them by the throat, holding them up. My eyes widened when I realized who it was.

"Ms. Blake I'm sorry I thought you were a robber or something." I said letting go, dropping her back to her feet.

She rubbed her neck and glared at me. "I've been looking everywhere for you." 

I looked at her confused. "Sorry; something happened. One minute I remember you doing the spell and then the next thing I wake up at some Animal Clinic."

She nodded and looked me up and down. "You're covered in blood." I looked down and felt tears weld up in my eyes.

"I-I killed two people." I choked out. 

"You actually killed 5 people, but you don't remember. I lost you when you went north. Don't worry though, I hid their bodies so no one can find them."

My hand flew to my mouth as tears fell down my face. "I killed five people?" She pulled me into a hug and I cried into her shoulder.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay. You can turn it off. That's the whole reason you wanted this, to turn off the pain right?" She held onto my shoulders to where I faced her.

I nodded and wiped my eyes. "I don't want to feel all this. Losing both my parents within a year, it's to much. And now Iv'e k-killed people. How do i turn it off? Please help me." I cried out.

"Shh shh. Before I tell you how to do it, I must tell you something about flipping the switch." I just stared at her. "Once you flip the switch, you won't have 100% of your body, you'll be letting in this... darkness. And anyone with that type of power... well anyone could just easily take over your mind, and control you."

"I don't care just tell me how to turn it off." 

 "Fine, just close your eyes," She said to me and I closed my eyes. "I want you to focus on what your feeling, just make a mental image in your head and see it as a switch. Just turn it off."

I tried to do as she told me but my head started to hurt again and I couldn't focus. I screamed in frustration and held onto my head. "Whats wrong?" She asked me.

"My head!"

"Just ignore it. Turn it off."

 "I can't!" I yelled at her. 

"Turn it off!" She yelled at me.

It was then I could feel it. All my troubles going away. The pain just, leaving my body. I opened my eyes and looked blankly at her.

She smirked at me. "You did it."

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