Chapter 29: Saved

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"They said they'd meet us here," Lydia says as she, Stiles, and I walk down the steps and into Derek Hale's loft.

Scott stays in the doorway for some unknown reason, but the next think I know, he's letting out grunts and I hear fists colliding with his face. The three of us turn around to see Ethan and Aidan throwing Scott into the middle of the loft.

Stiles grabs me and Lydia by our arms and pulls us out of the way. The three of us stand there, watching Ethan and Aiden crowd around Scott. What the hell are they doing?

They smirk before flipping off the steps, punching Scott across the jaw. They each take turns hitting him across the jaw and in the gut.

He soon falls to the ground with a grunt, gasping out, "I thought you were going to teach me how to roar."

That's when the smell hit me.

"We are," one of the twins say. "But you have to give in."

"Giving in and letting go," his brother comments. "That's how Deucalion taught us control."

I watch as blood drips down Scott's chin, from the busted lip they had given him.

It soon puts me in a trance, my eyes not moving anywhere else. I could feel my fangs start to come out. I can feel the veins move under my eyes as they white of them turn red.

I try to fight it back, but I haven't been able to feed without throwing it back up so whatever control I had, even if it was just a little, it's all gone now.

"Hey, that's funny," a voice says. "I actually tried something like this one time. Heart monitors and lacrosse balls, but you're right, beat the living crap out of each other."

I turn slightly to the voice. My vision is blurry so I do not recognize them. 

They're human. I can tell by the sound of their heart beat, and the warm blood pumping through their veins.

Snap out of it Brianna. Don't let it take control. 

My head begins to ache and I walk backwards. I close my eyes and fall to my knees.

Once I open them my surroundings are different.

I'm in my house...?

I remove my hands from my head and put them on the floor. They fall into this warm liquid.

The smell penetrates my nose. I look down and see the red cover my hands and clothes.

I follow the path and see my Aunt Lena laying there in a puddle of blood.

I can feel tears stream down my face as I run away from the scene.

"Look what you did," A voice rings in my ears. I turn around and see no one.

"Don't you feel powerful?" I spin around on my heels, but again, I see no one.

I walk over to the front door. "That's it. Open the door. Let me in, Brianna." I turn around to finally be faced with... myself.

"Open the door." She says sternly. I look back at the door then back to her


Her face turns red and she pushes me against the wall, sticking her hand through me, grabbing onto my heart, the way I did with Kali. "You will open that door! Or everyone you love will die!" She yells in my face. 

My eyes shoot open and I'm back in Derek Hale's loft. I'm laying on the ground and I notice Stiles and Lydia standing over me.

"Are you okay?" They ask me at the same time. I nod slowly and sit up, rubbing my head.

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