Chapter 9: That's nuts

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Brianna's POV

I am so frustrated right now. I am so freakin tired of translating Latin to English. Why the hell did my mom write all of this in Latin?

I've been doing this back and forth I'm pretty sure I know Latin now. Not really but I do recognize some words here and there.

I threw my pencil on the floor and ran both my hands through my hair.

"Hey!" I heard someone say. I looked towards the door and saw Stiles sticking his head though the doorway.

I smiled at him. "Hey." He smiled back at me and walked in my room and sat on my bed beside me.

"So what are you doing?" He picked up some of the papers looking at them confused.

I took them out of his hand and sat up from lying on my stomach. "Just some... homework. " I bit my bottom lip, trying not to look him in the eyes.

"You're a terrible liar." He said and laughed. I couldn't help but laugh also. His laugh is just so cute. Did I just say that?

"Okay okay you caught me. But I'm not that bad of a liar," I defended myself laughing slightly.

He smiled at me. "You're pretty bad. Now what really is this stuff?" He picked up one of the papers I translated.

I sighed, "Promise me you won't tell anyone? Or think I'm weird for looking at stuff like this?" He holds up his pinky.

"I pinky promise." I smile at him and wrap my finger around his.

"Okay well my mom was a scientist but she studied something...different." He leaned in closer waiting for me to answer.

"She studied the supernatural." His eyes widened at my response.

"You don't believe in this stuff do you?" He asked me. I bit my lip and held up one of the papers.

"You can't just make up something like this." He took the paper and looked at it.

"Vampires?" He asked completely confused, like he was expecting me to say something else. I nodded.

"That's just one of the things she has. She has a lot of information on it but not as much as..." I stopped myself.

"As what?"

"As werewolves." His eyes looked like they were about to pop out from his head at the word. I know he knows Scott's a werewolf and everything else. I know he knows way more than me and I want to know more.

I looked up at him and met his eyes. Our faces were so close I didn't realize how close we were sitting on the bed.

"Maybe you should talk to your mom about this. I mean, vampires, werewolves? That's nuts." My throat tightened and I looked down at my hands.

"I- I wish I could b-but she's, um... she's dead." My eyes started to sting as I felt tears weld up in them. Oh shit, I'm crying again.

"Oh my gosh Bri, I- I'm so sorry I didn't know. I didn't mean to make you cry. " He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I know you didn't know. I haven't old anyone, it's just a hard thing to talk about," I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"I know how you feel." He said quietly. "My mom's dead too." I looked over at him and saw him messing with his hands.

"I'm sorry." He looked up at me an smiled sadly. I could still feel tears rolling down my face. Stiles then placed his hand on my cheek and wiped it away with his thumb. I looked at him as he did.

He put his hand back down and met my eyes. Iv'e always had a thing for brown eyes.

I didn't even realized that he started to lean in closer to me. The next thing I knew I was leaning in to. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine.

I had this feeling run through me. It felt like a jolt of electricity just ran throughout my body the second our lips touch.

We both pulled away. Did that just happen? I just kissed a guy that I barely know... And I liked it.

We were both silent. Like it was taking us a moment to just process what happened. "I- uh sorry, I uh gotta-" I stood up and grabbed my phone and room key.

"I have to go see Allison and Lydia." I said quickly, and before he could say anything I ran out. I slammed the door behind me and leaned my back against it. "Oh. My. Gosh." Is all I could get out.

A/N Okay, so I went back and was looking through my chapters and I just realized that this one is 722 words. Really, Kiley? You couldn't even make it 1000?

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