Chapter 14: It feels nice to know some one cares.

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"So how was it your mother died?" Sheriff Stilinski asked again. 

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the chair I was sitting in. "I told you it was an animal attack."

He was about to say something again but I interrupted him. "Look Sheriff I know there have been murders around this town lately, but how does my mothers death have anything to do with this?"

"Did your parents have any enemies?" He asked me, totally ignoring my question. 

"No. Everyone loved my parents." Lie.

"May I please go home? I think I should call my family and let them know about my fathers death." I asked standing up.

He nodded and lead me out of his office. I noticed Stiles was sitting in a chair right outside his office. He stood up quickly when we walked out.

"Parrish can you take Brianna home?" Sheriff said to the same Deputy who came to my house to tell me the news about my dad.

"No it's okay dad, I'll take her home." Stiles said looking at me. I didn't say anything I just looked back at Sheriff Stilinski to see what he would say.

"Okay that works to." I looked back at Stiles and he motioned me towards the door. We then walked outside to his Jeep.

The ride back to my house was awkwardly quiet so I decided to break it. "Why'd you come?" He jerked his head over to me then back to the road.

"I mean I'm sure you had plenty of things to do but instead you come to some girls house, that you barely know, to see if she is doing okay because her dad was missing then you follow her to the hospital to see her dead father's body. Not only that but you also came to the police department and now you are driving me home. What's your problem?" I didn't mean for all of that to come out hateful but it did.

"I guess I just know what it feels like to lose a parent." He said quietly, not taking his eyes off the road. 

"Yeah well you still have your dad."

I turned my attention away from him and leaned my head against the window, looking outside as we drove.

"Yeah but I also know what it feels like to be alone, and scared. Helpless..." He whispered the last part and I don't know if I was supposed to hear that.

"Yeah well I don't need your pity party." I said stubbornly. 

"Brianna you're new here! I'm just trying to be a friend. Have you even heard from Allison or Lydia?" He said sounding annoyed.

I just sunk back in my seat beginning to feel weak. I could feel tears weld up in my eyes. The rest of the car ride was silent. My mind wondering everywhere.

Ms. Blake said that if I become a vampire that I could turn off my humanity, which means I could turn off my emotions, and then I wouldn't feel all this pain and anger once I found out my dad was killed.

I think I should do this. I mean, what do I have to lose? I have nothing, I have no one.


It was the next morning and I was getting ready for school. Yes I know my dad did just die and I should probably take a few days off to mourn but I need to talk to Ms. Blake and do this thing as soon as possible.

I was about to walk out the door but then it hit me. I don't have a ride. They had to pound my dads car cause it was evidence.

I bit my lip as I pulled out my phone. I looked at his contact and hit call. Maybe I should just walk. No, I'll be late.

"Hello?" His familiar voice came through my phone. 

"Hey Stiles, are you at school yet?" I rubbed my lips together nervously.

"No I'm about to leave my house, why?" I paced back and forth in my kitchen for a second before responding. 

I paused before finally asking, "Can you give me a ride to school?"

The line was silent for a little. "Are you sure you want to go to school?" I nodded as if he could see me.

 "Yeah I want to graduate so I don't need to miss a lot of school." That was the first excuse I could come up with.

"Okay yeah, um I'll be there in a few." I thanked him and hung up. Maybe this wasn't a good idea... No I need to do this.

Within the next five minutes he as here. I locked the door and jumped into his jeep. "Thanks again Stiles." I said put my bag down at my feet.

"Yeah no problem." He said quietly. He pulled out and started to drive to school. It was silent most of the ride there so I decided to break it and apologize.

"Hey i'm sorry for yelling at you last night. I had no reason to, I know you were just being nice." I turned and faced him. 

He smiled a little. "It's fine. You're going through a lot."

"I really appreciate you being there for me, I really do. It feels nice to know some one cares." I could see his face turn a slight shade of pink when he smiled.

"Well I'm here if you ever need to talk." I smiled at him and looked down at my hands. "So I need to ask... what are you going to do now? Are you going to move back to South Carolina?"

"Well I called my aunt last night and she's going to set up a funeral and I'm gonna fly down there sometime this week for it and then I don't know what will happen. I'll probably have to go to court or something for legal terms and where I'll live since I'm underage. I can't live on my own." I shrugged and messed with the nail polish on my fingers.

"Well I hope everything goes well," He turned his head and gave me a smile. 

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