Chapter 45: Bliss

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"Why'd we even bring her here?" Kira asks no one in particular.

"What should we have done with her? Call the police? How are we gonna explain another person died in our proximity. How are we going to explain the bite mark and the hole through her body, which is exactly the same as Allison's." Isaac rants on, walking back and forth.

After it was over, the group brought Brianna to the animal clinic. Not exactly sure how they were going to explain her death to the police.

The group sat there silently, trying to think of something; while Deaton was putting gauze on her wounds.

"Deaton, what's the point? Just let her lay there in peace." Stiles said angrily from her side. This was the first time he's said anything since they left the school.

He didn't know what to say or what to do. He liked Brianna a lot. Maybe even love, but he wasn't sure because he didn't get to know her long enough.

Deaton said nothing as he put an IV in her vein, putting blood into her system. He pulled out his flashlight and checked her pupils.

Deaton didn't know much about vampires, but he did know one thing for sure.

Vampires are immortal, unless killed from a wooden stake to the heart.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked.

Deaton pulled out some chains, tying her wrists and legs down.

"When she wakes up, I don't know if her humanity will be on or off. I'm just taking precautions."

"What do you mean wake up? She can't wake up! She's dead!" Stiles yelled angrily as tears formed in his eyes.

"She's dead." He whispered to himself, finally letting out what he'd been holding back.

He pushed over the stool he was sitting on and stormed out of the room.

Deaton looked at the clock on the wall. "You guys have school in a few hours. I'd go home if I were you. Get some rest. I'll call you when she's awake."

"Deaton, I don't know why you assume she'll just 'wake up', as if she were asleep. She has no pulse, no heartbeat... She's dead." Scott said sadly.

"When you turn a vampire, whether it's from another one or in her case, a ritual; you have to die to become one. And when you wake up, you're immortal. There's no going back. Brianna's dead, yes. But she's immortal. She'll wake up soon."

Lydia walked over to Brianna's body, which was laying on a table. "I never felt her death. I felt Allison's and Aidens, but not hers."

"So, I-I didn't kill her?" Kira asks hopefully.

"She'll be okay." Deaton smiled.

Kira felt joy and happiness run through her body.

Scott smiled happily and ran out of the room to get Stiles.

"When will she wake up?" Isaac asked curiously.

"Should be a couple hours. But when she does, she'll be confused and scared. I might need you guys here to calm her down. And if her humanity is off, we'll need her to turn it back on."

Scott came back into the room, without Stiles.

"Stiles left. I think he went home. I'm going to go a bring him back." Scott began to walk out.

"Wait!" Lydia called out.

He turned back around.

"Maybe you should stay here, then she could go see him when she wakes up."

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