Dance Partners 😳

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With Hoseok groaning in my ear from behind me while Jimin snickers you'd think  I was doing something sexual. I wasn't. Not that it mattered.

'No! Again! Hoseok, closer!' Jimin seemed to delight in my apparent inability to understand the dance they were trying to teach me. Hoseok was as well, but in a way that I am not sure Jimin understands.

Looking at his smirk though, maybe he does. Hoseok does his level best not to grind his arousal into my ass as he works to have me flow from one motion to the next, pressing me against him from behind so that my muscles will conform to his. 

The body rolls don't help his attempt to keep his 'friend' from reacting. Neither does the hip bouncing action of repetitive steps. 

He whimpers.

Trying to step away from him, to see if he's hurt, he tugs me closer, the dance moves forgotten as he buries his head in my hair, struggling to still the instinctive motions of his body.

I think Jimin finally understands the true result of this. While his eyes go darker with desire, the rest of him battles it out, worried about his friend.

'Y/N, you okay? You hurt?' Nope, nevermind, he doesn't care about Hoseok's... "problem".

'I'm fine..' I say, looking over my shoulder at my dance partner/instructor. 'I think Hoseok is reacting in a very male way to this dance though...' I flush as he grinds himself against me, trying to stifle his groans into my back. Jimin sees Hoseok's inability to continue dancing and the smirk deepens. 

A sudden small patch of wetness at the small of my back and suddenly Hoseok lets go of me, collapsing to the floor behind us to curl up in embarrassment. Jimin also collapses, but in heckling laughter.

Disgusted with them both I just leave to go change.


Knocking on the door I saw Seokjin enter I wait as patiently as I  can. The list in my head needs to be filled, but I can't stop thinking about the 'dance practice' I just walked away from. I hope Hoseok is okay.

The door opens and I stare up at Namjoon, Seokjin talking rapidly behind him in their mother tongue.

'Sorry to interrupt.' I start.

'No worries. Do you want to come in?' He asks, step back to make space for me. With a nod of thanks I walk past him, heading for the leather couch on the wall opposite all the electronic systems. Seokjin is in one of the office chairs by it, and when Namjoon closes the door he heads to the other one. 

'I think I need a new mattress.' I start off with.

Seokjin looks to an amused Namjoon, and when he translates Seokijin blushes, eyes wide with I would guess shock coming to rest on me.

'Why do you say that sweetheart.' Namjoon says lowly, the timbre of his voice pulling from his chest.

'When I wake up my muscles are sore. It's taking longer at yoga and stretching to work them out.' I respond simply, not sure if it's appropriate to respond to his obvious interest with another member here.

Humming he picks up a tablet from the desk and opens up a website.

'Is there anything else you need or would like?' He murmurs, looking through options. Seokjin looks over his shoulder, pointing to one thing or another.

'Yeah.' I say, and wait. When they finally look up and actually see that I am waiting on their attention I smile. 'I want to pick it out for myself.'

Nodding Namjoon just hands the tablet over. While there are pictures and Roman numbers attached to the different things, mattresses being only some of the things listed, I look back at them.

The way Seokjin is twisting in his chair, obviously uncomfortable, and the way Namjoon sits back, almost sprawling, with the cocky grin on his face... I just wanna put the tablet down and walk out. I am not ready to deal with this shit again. I just had to deal with Jimin and Hoseok's drama, why their's as well?!

Instead I close my eyes and take a deep steadying breath. Opening my eyes I see both of the guys are sitting normal again, though remnants of their earlier attitudes still linger with flushed ears and cheeks, and dimples and sparkling eyes. 

'Can I get some help translating this?' I ask, looking Namjoon directly in the eye. With his nod I turn a bit so that I can point stuff out and he can help with understanding what I am reading.


Once we figure out a new mattress for me, order it, and plan the delivery I look back up from the tablet.

Seokjin left at some point because it's just Namjoon and me. When Namjoon takes the tablet back I thank him.

'Sorry for that.' He says abruptly. 'I don't know what exactly that was, but it wasn't normal for us.' He sits back again, rubbing his lip with his hand as he thinks.

'Something similar happened with Hoseok and Jimin.' I reply. With his glance at me I elaborate. With a hum he writes down what's happening in his notebook. 

'So I guess that is Hoseok's qualified one-on-one time today.' I end with wryly. His lips quirk.

'And you think this will be our's?' An eyebrow is cocked at me.

'No, I don't. But I would like some help with my Hangul class. Either you or Yoongi could likely help me as my one-on-one time with either of you.'

Interested he sits forward, elbows on knees. 'What do you need?' 

'I have some flash cards I need to print out, and I need a study buddy to go over them with.' I say.

A knock on the door interrupts us. Quickly getting up to open the door Jungkook mentions food in Hangul, I got that much at least, and retreats when Namjoon closes the door, thanking him.

'Seokjin made food, with you and Taehyung getting a special selection. Shall we go eat and continue this later?'

With a nod I stand and follow him out.

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