What part of...

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The concert thankfully goes smoothly. I insist on not even being side-stage, waiting in a separate room where there is a couch and food waiting for hungry staff, support, and anyone even remotely associated with this production. My phone finally goes below 80% so I find a socket and plug in... hmm. I also need to get a universal adapter for my phone so I can charge when we're away from the States.

I see dancers come in and grab food and water periodically. The thundering noise from the concert reverberates down even as far as this room, so I notice when the songs change, but I can't tell which songs they are. The guys come in occasionally to get water, sports drinks, and even a banana or a granola bar, but it looks like they don't eat heavy until the concert is over.

The air mattresses got moved into here, near where I am curled up on a couch, my phone keeping me entertained. 

I figured I wasn't going to see an American bank anytime in the near future so I went hog-wild and got a ton of reading material, a language app to see if I could pick up more Hangul, and sent my Christmas gifts early to my family via Amazon. Yeah, I know, that's the lazy way to do it. It's also the best way to spend money on the people you love. Fight me.

Manager Sejin at one point let me know about the schedule for my stuff, so I texted my sister about that. Her response? A big thumbs up... snarky.

I was also given an official pass, something I guess I had been missing, that labeled me as part of the staff surrounding BTS. He said I would get paid what my salary was at my previous job until we got to Seoul, Korea and an official job would be assigned me. My skill set would be assessed over the coming weeks while we continue with the tour to get an idea of where I would fit in best. I guess my reading time just shortened some.

I don't know when I passed out, but I was shocked awake by a loud noise near me. Looking up I could hear shouting and laughing coming down the hall towards this room. Looking over, it seems Yoongi had just collapsed onto one of the air mattresses... so that was the loud sound I guess? 

Yep, it was. The same noise happens 3 more times as Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung also collapse onto the air mattresses. Everyone is sweating exhausted, and likely hungry. Seokjin goes straight to the food, Namjoon the bottles of water, and Hoseok goes to check on the collapsed members. 

Deciding to try to be helpful I go and grab an armful of waters and head back towards the air mattresses. Handing one to Hoseok with a nod I nudge the mattresses, getting each guys attention, and soft throw them each a bottle. Groaning, all except Yoongi sit up to drink their waters.

'Yoongi, you need to drink.' Hoseok points out. Yoongi just says something back in Hangul, causing the three youngest to gasp and giggle. I guess it was a swear? Hoseok nudges Yoongi again, and Yoongi repeats what he said... this time I listen carefully. And repeat it back.

Suddenly I am the center of a lot of shocked expressions. Even Yoongi lifts his head to stare at me. 'What?' I ask. 'He said it, what does it mean?'

Shaking his head Yoongi finally gives in and sits up. 'If anyone tells her what that means it will be the end of your existence at my hands.' The guys suddenly have their mouths full, looking away from him and I. 

'Fine,' I reply, 'I've got a language program, and google translates anything. I'll figure it out on my own.' Turning to go back to my seat on the couch... Yoongi grabs at my ankle.

I'm not facing any of the guys, so I quickly close my eyes and stop moving, hoping that I am not blinded before I get to sit down again.

'Please. I am sorry. I didn't mean to say that in front of you.' He sounds embarrassed. 'I am just used to the guys being here. I didn't think about what I was saying. Just... please don't look it up.' With that he lets go of my ankle.

I open my eyes and go sit down. The three youngest and Hoseok go to get food while Namjoon and Seokjin come and sit near us, in conversation range. Yoongi is still just sipping his water, so I respond back.

'You really think you can shock me.' I stare at him. 'I may not be from your culture, but then again you aren't from mine.' He considers what I am saying as I continue.

'Like Hangul, English is a trade language.' I look over at Namjoon. 'You might need to translate some of this. Oh, and if I go too fast, stop me and ask me to slow down. I know I talk too fast, I won't have a problem with you asking me to do so.' Turning back to Yoongi, though keeping all the guys in my visual range, I go back to my explanation.

'Trade languages are usually created to expedite trade between two major cultures. For Hangul it looks like it's between China and Japan. Those would be your root languages. For English it's between Roman or Latin, and German or Gaulish. And trade is always the easiest is over water. It lessens the likelihood of banditry and removes the issues of speed over land.'

I pause to let Namjoon translate as requested and gather my thoughts to clarify further. When he's caught up he nods, focusing on me again. Actually, I seem to have everyone's focus, not just the guys. It's gone silent except for me and eating.

'Over water means that the main traders to meet each culture were sailors. The stereotype of sailors is there for a very valid reason. Cursing and sea ditties are not the norm for the societies they met, but the long boring days following the coast doesn't really put much polish on a lonely man manning the sails.' I get a few grins out of this.

I quietly let Namjoon translate this last bit before continuing. 'Whenever they came in contact with a new word or phrase they hadn't heard yet, and it was either a curse or an innuendo, it was likely immediately adopted into the language they wound up inventing, later to be called English.'

'I can promise you, outside of a few terms needed to express financial transactions, every bit of the English language, from the alphabet to technical jargon, can, has, and will continue to have an alternative definition as a swear, a sexual innuendo, or very likely both. And, with the way languages evolve, it will only be added on to as the years and generations progress.'

Namjoon just looks stunned. Seokjin finally pokes him in the ribs and mutters around a mouthful of food to get him to translate. After that bombshell finally hits the rest Namjoon turns to me.

'How did you come up with this understanding of English?' He asks, astounded.

I grin. 'I read. Honestly that is the only thing that makes life worth living. So either I am English's bitch, or it's mine.' I shrug. 'I know that seems a bit strong wording-wise, but it's the truth.' He looks at me puzzled. 'I get that you guys focus on music, dancing and choreography. Writing lyrics and the production of music is your life. Not everyone has that drive or focus.' He nods, understanding at least that. I take a deep breath, continuing. 'I've never been the social type. Honestly being around everyone for the last 48 hours has been exhausting on levels I am not sure I can explain. But, I know that when I was young and started reading, I couldn't stop.' I pause, thinking for a moment.

'One of my earlier memories is sitting in the back seat of the car while my mom drove. I don't remember where we were going, but I remember reading everything that caught my eye. License plates, signage, bumper stickers... if it was in English I read it. If I wasn't reading then I was asleep. Honestly cars tend to do that to me, but reading was a way to keep me entertained.' Nodding, even the rest of the guys seem to follow along. 'I've always loved music, but that was never as engaging to my mind as reading has been.'

Yoongi quietly speaks up at this point. 'Music was like that for me. Always there, always engaging my mind. It called to me whenever and wherever. I think it was something like that for each of us.' He motions with his head to his group members and they all nod. 'If reading is as important to you as music is to us, we will help you to read in any language you want.' My eyes widen with excitement and he smiles. 'Yes, just imagine getting to read books in the languages they are originally from, no bad translations changing things.' My gleeful yelp gets a laugh all around and it seems the moment has broken, everyone getting up to get more food, stretch, drink, or even just sit down to relax finally.

Passing by me as he gets up to go get food, Yoongi says under his breath 'and I promise I will tell you exactly  what I said another time.' Smirking he walks away, leaving me wondering at his tone and intent.

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