Unexpected News

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'Hey sis did you sign us up for a fan-meet with BTS?' I ask, puzzled.

'You got the tickets, remember?' She responds. 'And don't they only do that over in Asia?'

'Yeah, I thought that too... but I just got a text confirming that I have 2 people signed up to go to a BTS fan-meet after tomorrow night's show. Their last one in this city.'

Confused, she comes over to look at my phone. 'Is it a scam?'

Looking through the interwebs I confirm that they actually do have a fan-meet tomorrow. 'Well the actual thing is real, but don't these tickets cost extra?' I mulled. 

'We got pretty close to the stage for our seats. I know you paid a small fortune for them considering your pay from your job. Did you get a package ticket, with the fan-meet attached?' She asks.

'I thought I only got seats. I know I saw the package add-ons for other stuff like hand-fans and t-shirts, but decided to skip that.' Humming she nods. Looking back to her phone to do some quick research she looks up the ticket options in towns away from ours. Obviously they sold out almost instantly, so looking at tonight's and tomorrow's options won't let us see what they offer.

'Dubai isn't offering a fan-meet, but Singapore is.' 

'Sis, that's the same thing that they usually do. Singapore is in Asia, so it's easier for them to do a fan-meet. I'm just surprised as hell that they are doing it here.'

'Oh, they didn't do one in the last two cities they were in either. You know what, that is weird...'

Nodding I open the text, and read further about this fan-meet. Maybe it was added on after purchase based on the price point. I think that's a thing that is done, but I'm not sure.

'So it says tomorrow after the concert we need to go to this hotel in the city center,' showing her the directions and information, 'and bring our ticket stubs or proof of purchase. I guess this was last minute. I thought they had separate tickets for the actual entrance to the fan-meet '

Looking at me she looked sad. 'Y/N, you know I love you, but I have to work tomorrow. I won't be able to make it. It's so friggen unfair! I coulda met them!!!' She all but screamed.

A bit shocked, I looked at her wide-eyed. 'But... Namjoon! Suga! J-Hope! Heck, Jungkook!!' I pleaded.

'I already used all my time off for this half-year. If I don't go in I'm going to get written up, and I could lose my job. I can't chance it.' Sighing she slumps back in the chair at the table. 'I guess I will have to be happy that I saw them in concert at least.' Suddenly she looks up at me, eyes sparkling. 'Wait, if you go, could you take a selfie or a video of them with you and send it to me? That could save my sad heart from crying itself to sleep for the next month!'

Blinking at the suggestion I just nod. She squeals and giggles, jumping back up to hug me and twirl me around.


After saying goodnight and goodbye I close the front door, and head to my bathroom to finally shower and get ready for bed. Looking at my phone I realize that BTS has just finished their second concert in my city, and their last one tomorrow ends earlier, around 5 pm so that they could plan to meet their plane to the next city. I guess they are flying later since the fan-meet got included in tomorrow's post concert stuff.


I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. 

My weary body doesn't let me sleep. My mind keeps turning thoughts over in my head. Suddenly I remember I never saw that video. Texting my sister I ask her to send it to me, to see Jimin fall out of the spotlight. I don't remember it, but if she caught it then it must've happened, right?

Continuing to toss and turn I finally give up after an hour of messing up my bed and get up to putter around, maybe use up some energy. Remembering the fan-meet is tomorrow at 7pm I decide to go through my closet and find something appropriate to wear.

Nothing. I find nothing I would consider worthy, just work appropriate clothes and seasonal stuff. It's getting colder now that fall has arrived. Turning to my laundry basket I finally find the clothes from yesterday. Add a jacket and some heels and it would work nicely. I sigh and do my laundry, glad that I have my own laundry machines in my apartment. Yeah, one bedrooms don't always have that as an option, but I kept looking until I found it. I learn from my past mistakes, and laundromats are a fools paradise if you want actually clean clothes.

After finishing the laundry I finally feel my eyes go to half-mast so I trudge back to bed to sleep.


I wake up to my phone dinging. Looking, it's sis blasting me. 9 am and she decides I need to have details on what she wants me to do for her at the fan-meet. I love her, but... sigh.

She also sends the video of Jimin falling. I open it and watch it, but it's obvious that the spotlight never leaves him and follows him like a faithful puppy. Confused I text her back, asking if this is the correct video she meant to send.

It takes her a bit to respond, she's working, but eventually she replies with one word. YES.

Scratching my head, I don't know what she sees that is different from me. I shrug it off and take my daily meds and vitamins with some more aspirin. My body is still aching, so I guess I'm not quite over the exertion from the concert on Friday. Hopefully by tomorrow morning it will be gone. I can't imagine having to deal with Monday work while sore. This is why I don't go to the gym... and not going is also probably why I am still sore. Sigh.


It's 5 pm. The concert is over. It takes about an hour to get into the city usually, but with the concert traffic I probaby need to leave now to get there at 7 pm. Dressed, primped, and with the documents in hand I head out the door to go meet the boys from BTS.

Sitting in traffic at occasional stop lights I correct myself internally. They aren't boys anymore. Besides their actual ages... the amount of work, experiences, and passion they have put into their careers since they started has made them men in probably every sense of the word. 

I see signage for parking for the fan-meet. Thankfully this is planned by them. In the text they tell you how to get parking access for those who drive, so I don't have to search the streets for an empty spot... something virtually impossible at the moment.

After parking I look at the text again to verify the hotel's hall information on where the meet is supposed to be held. Getting into the elevator I press the floor number mentioned, and when the doors open I am immediately greeted by two big gentlemen who wait for me to step out.

Slightly intimidated I get out and one of them asks for my paperwork in heavily accented English. I reach into my bag and blindly hold them out to him, not even daring to look away to neatly organize them.

After looking them over he nods, smiles slightly, and motions me to continue forward. I find a line of people already queued up to meet BTS. Excited chattering can be heard echoing in the hallway where the conference hall is. A big sign with the BTS logo is above the double doors, and while we wait their songs play in the background.

It's a bit early, I know I thought it might take me 2 hours to get here, but I overestimated the traffic issues, so I have another 20 minutes to wait, and obviously I wasn't the only one to figure out that early was better than late. Soon the line gets longer, and then it starts wrapping around the corner, turning out of my sight. I'm sure the line is adding on even as I continue to wait, since I see people follow the line until they see the doors and signage, then turn around to go back to the end of the line I would guess.

Finally the doors open up, and we all start filing in to meet BTS!

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