We Fan-Meet

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You would think it would quickly become crowded, loud, and smelly with bodies filling the large space. You would be incorrect.

Each person was brought in as a group according to our purchases. After I saw the first few people hand over their paperwork again at the entrance to the hall I quickly grab mine out and prepare to show it again.

It comes to my turn and there is a more thorough check of the paperwork. When asked why the second person wasn't here, and which seat I had, I answer, slightly worried that I had done something wrong. There is a quick bit of talk via walk-talkies attached to the shoulders, then my paperwork is handed back with a nod. I file in. 

The room has been set up with curtained walls to create something of a maze. There is a guard at every major turn who holds me up until he gets notified over his Walkie talkie, and I wind my way to the standard table that BTS is known for in fan-meets. When I finally lay eyes on them I get excited... it looks like the overhead lights are brightest over them, and I guess that this was done for effect. The rest of the room is a bit gloomy in comparison, so it's easy to just keep eyes on them.

They each have their focus on the person in front of them. I am glad to see that. I pull out my phone and check to see if my battery is good. In the 80% range, so I'm good. Shuffling closer, I see that Namjoon is first. I check my text from sis, verify what she wants me to say, and I prepare myself to meet him.

Walking up he smiles, his eyes widening slightly. I grin, bow, and greet him. 'Saranghamnida.' 

Chuckling he says 'Very well done! I didn't expect to hear that today.' Offering his hand I shake it. Both our eyes widen for a second.

It's not exactly like time stood still, but something close? The light above him got brighter, and it seemed like he almost glowed for a moment. Thankfully it went away, and the room felt darker for the change, but I ignored it as my time was running out.

'Do you mind if we take a quick selfie? My sister absolutely loves you guys and couldn't make the meet.' With his nod of approval I turned around and made sure he was in the picture frame of my camera before snapping a pic. I was then motioned on and bowed my thanks before going to the next person.

Next up was Taehyung. Like Namjoon his eyes widened as his smile got bigger. He seemed to be getting up to hug me, but I guess he forgot the table was in the way for a moment, because he quickly sat back down. I greeted him with the same 'Saranghamnida' and bow which made him seem to try to make his mouth reach his ears with glee. He bowed back then quickly offered his hand to me as well. The lights increased again suddenly, making us both look up to see if there was an issue. In the process we let go of each others' hand and the lights dimmed again. 'I hope there isn't a storm coming. It would be awful if a power loss meant that you guys couldn't meet the rest of your fans.' I said worriedly. 

'Agreed.' He responded. Offering to sign something I give him the paperwork I needed to get in. While he's signing it I notice Namjoon is a bit distracted, glancing sideways at me and Taehyung, but doing his best to give the person in front of him his attention. I thank him with another bow and move on to my next BTS meet.

Jimin is smiling, already waiting for me. I greet him the same as before, his smile getting bigger as he hears the bit of Hangul that I have memorized. Offering his hand I take it. Again the lights flicker, and I look up quickly to see what's going on, then look to the helpers and guards behind the table. No one seems to be worried, so I guess it's not an issue. He also offers to sign something for me, so I hand him the paperwork as well. A quick selfie with him and I am told to move on. Bowing I turn to see...

Hoseok grinning madly at me. Not in a mean spirited way, but it seems like his face could split in two at a moments notice. Bouncing slightly in his chair he's obviously got a lot of energy. I bow and greet him in Hangul like the others. He tries to become serious, struggling to smother the smile as he lowers his voice a bit and also bows. I ask him for a selfie and he nods, leaning forward to be closer to my camera/phone. With him leaning his forearms on the table he is no longer sitting in his chair. I turn around to be in the selfie as well, and his hand brushes my shoulder. The lights go brighter again just as I take the picture, and I hope it doesn't make the photo look bad. Turning around I see Taehyung walking back to his chair. I guess he got jealous he didn't get asked for a selfie and decided to photobomb Hoseok's! Grinning I thank Hoseok, bow and move on.

I have to wait a moment to meet Seokjin, the next member in the lineup, so I look back at the others. They all seem a bit distracted, and Namjoon is talking to one of the helpers in the background, but I quickly get motioned on so I don't get to see the results  

Seokjin loves that I greet him bowing and speaking Hangul, but it's obvious that it isn't a language I am comfortable with, so he uses his broken English to respond. I shake his hand, the lights brighten again, and I ask for a selfie. He puts his RJ plushie on top of my head as he moves like Hoseok to get closer for the photo, and his hand also brushes me, this time on my neck... and the lights brighten again. Turning around I don't want to ignore him, but I quickly glance behind him and only see slightly bored but focused faces of the helpers and guards. Seokjin also looks up at the lights, and it seems that he's trying to figure out why they flashed brighter. I bow and thank him and he waves distractedly, concerned.

Jungkook is next. He's done this tons of times, and he knows how to flirt with the fans, but I know he's hesitant around girls. I bow, greet him in my bit of Hangul, and he does the same. Offering to sign something I hand him the paperwork, and he signs. I ask if I can take a selfie with him and he agrees, doing a Lenny face to make the photo unique. I forgot to shake his hand before I am moved on so I quickly bow and face Yoongi.

I bow and greet him as well. 'Saranghamnida' I say. He nods and offers his hand. The lights flicker brighter again, making him wince at the change of light, and making me worry. 'That's happened at almost every handshake' I murmur to him, making him raise an eyebrow. 'I hope the lights stay steady for you guys.' He doesn't say a word, but leaves his hand outstretched for the paper to sign. I hand it over and he brushes against my hand as he takes them, the lights becoming brighter momentarily again. He stares at me for a moment, then signed the paperwork. Posing for a picture with him I thank him for his work and time, and bow, expecting to be moved on quickly.

As I walk away a guard directs me through a bit more of the fabric wall maze, and I wind up... alone in an adjoining room?

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