Tests and Trials 😳

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The doctor's flight comes in late the next day, so we wait until the morning of the second day after the full changing of the bonds to start any official exams.

Dr. Choi, a USA citizen of Korean descent, is personally qualifying and validating our progress. He's gotten the okay to proceed from HYBE, CEO PD Bang himself, as well as the USA Diplomatic Corp, the USA Board of Health, and the equivalent of those national systems here in Korea as well.

He's brought things for Namjoon, and anyone else interested, to read about what's been going on internationally with the soul-bond pandemic.

We've been classified as patient group zed, even though there was soul bonds known prior to us. The reasoning is because the concert tour was the spreading factor for the pandemic. I guess it makes sense.

HYBE and PD Bang had to agree to our case being available to study at an international level for Dr Choi to be allowed to see us. He's also strictly only allowed to use HYBE vetted medical professionals to assist him in any way. If he needs to talk to someone outside of HYBE's list of people who have signed NDAs during his visitation he needs to get approval from HYBE first.

I think the Republic of Korea has decided to let HYBE handle responsibility for our security since BTS is not designated as a National Treasure of Social Advancement (or whatever the title is that exempts people who add to the culture of Korea from military service).

Shit, I wonder how we're going to handle military service now.

I note that down as a question and go back to focusing on what's happening in front of me.


After examining each member plus myself physically, extracting dna samples (that stick up the nose fucking hurts!) and getting the test results back from a local testing company, one that is qualified and buried under a literal ton of NDAs to be allowed to process everything, Seokjin is ordering a buffet worth of food to be delivered for the fourth time today. The sun has just set, and I know we aren't even a fifth of the way through all the tests the good doctor wants to do.

There is small groupings in the main area, each focusing on something specific, usually with people who are interested in the topic of the group.

Namjoon and Hoseok are going back and forth over the piles of international documentation of the soul bond pandemic. There's already a half dozen notebooks full between the two of them.

Seokjin and Jungkook are bringing in and setting up food for everyone to take from on the kitchen island. Originally it had been sectioned off into four different groups doing different things, but after the first delivery of mass quantities of food the kitchen was abandoned as a space/surface. 

Probably all for the better. Seokjin was quickly becoming frazzled watching his beloved kitchen turn into a scientific research playground.

The other three are in the process of giving a large variety of samples, answering questions from over a dozen different piles of paperwork, or waiting their turn to take some food being laid out.

The desk was commandeered for the doctor himself. The coffee table became the de facto testing spot, and any mobile flat surfaces were quickly brought out to add options from other rooms.

Currently there is 10 bedside tables, 2 more coffee tables, and a random folding table that was purchased just a few hours ago and delivered, filling up the practice space in the main room. Included besides all the flat surfaces is both Yoongi's and Namjoon's beloved office couches and chairs, as well as most of the desk chairs from the bedrooms and studios.

At any given time there is two to three couches that aren't being used for anything, but it doesn't take long for someone to lay flat on one for an hour or so nap.

The eagerness in learning more about our bonds has given way to stress levels that are shooting up even as we try to unwind over a wide selection of Korean food.


By almost midnight Dr Choi finally bids us good night to find his temporary living space, two floors down in the same building, and begs us to leave everything as is until tomorrow when he comes back to continue.

The exhaustion is evident on everyone's faces.

Looking around I grab Jungkook and haul him down the hallway to the bedrooms, directing him to gather all the blankets and pillows he finds.

By the time we have everything set up he's also found a half dozen blow up beds as well, and Yoongi has pulled out an electric air pump to blow them up and set them up.

Namjoon just wanders off, only to come back with a commercial packing strap, and he and Yoongi strap all the air mattresses into one big one, making the whole group smile in relief.

With Seokjin, Hoseok, and the 95 line cleaning the kitchen it's not until almost 1am that we collapse onto the massive air bed, piled high with pillows and blankets.

Almost no one wants to wear clothes to bed, so with the exception of a pair of underwear or two, we all cuddle with our own pillows, quickly snoring up a storm.


Waking up in the middle of a deep sleep isn't common for me. I pause, eyes closed, to see if I can sense the reason why.

The whimpers, grunts, and moans do more than give a hint. When I open my eyes the dark gaze of a certain individual has me pinned as his hand moves rapidly under the blanket. I pause, to watch him release before my gaze continues on, finding each group member is awake and all having identical... issues.

As they all reach their highs to the detriment of those blankets and pillows, I can feel my own need ratcheting up. The sounds, smells, and stares antagonize my libido until it's all I can do to hold myself still instead of writhing and begging for assistance.

The growl from that first person pulls a whimper from me. Maybe my need is not so well hidden.

Abandoning their individual spots where they crashed into slumber I find myself pulled to the center of the massive air bed by a hand firmly wrapped around my ankle.

'You need me, us, eh?' Comes from a dark bunny smirk.

'She needs us like we need her.' His dimpled hyung answers as I still, realizing there's more to this.

'Who are we to deny her need?' Heart shaped lips add in.

'Do you need to fly, sweet thing?' Ask a rough voice, eyes dark in a pale face, searching mine.

I can't seem to find my voice, so I just nod, almost an automatic twitch at this point.

'I'll hold her down while you feast on her soulmate.' Offers a deep voice, one hand wrapping around both of my wrists, pinning them above my head.

'She'll taste so sweet...' he murmurs, licking his full lips for the umpteenth time as his sharp gaze roams my form.

'I'll keep her quiet and feed her while you help her find her first high.' The eldest smiles sweetly, moving to place his hips near my head.

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