Interruptions and...😳

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The shared bathroom attached to Jimin's room is not quiet. 

I don't know when he started showering, but the moans not quite hidden by the water tell me that we were heard. 

Jimin and I cuddle, energy spent. Curled into my side his hips twitch occasionally with his interest in continuing despite his inability to do so. The eye rolls at the low moans coming from the bathroom are amusing. 

Wanting to distract me and keep my focus on him, with darkening eyes he pulls me closer, bringing his mouth to my ear, whispering in Hangul, occasionally softly singing. It works, until I hear my name groaned from the bathroom as it's obvious he's cumming.

I put my lips to Jimin's ear and whisper. 'You'd think he'd realize by now that water doesn't hide sounds... at least after what we did while on tour.' Jimin's responds by giggling and nodding at my point while pulling me in tighter to his chest.

'I know you heard me. You think I'm embarrassed?' He says clearly. I gasp, shocked at how close he was to the point I made.

A moment later the door to the shared bath is opened. A dripping wet Jungkook walks into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist.

He blushes hard at the sight of us.

I don't think he expected us to both be naked and above the bedding, curled into each other. I know I look a mess, but Jimin's version of mess is hot, and it's obvious he knows it as he smiles wickedly and arches an eyebrow and the rosy maknae. 

'Do you want us to invite you next time?' Jimin says lowly. A smirk painting his face.

I look over at him and arch an eyebrow. 'To watch or join?' I ask him, making his smirk widen, his eyes dilate with climbing desire.

Jungkook chokes on air at my question.

We both turn our heads to smirk at his reaction to my question, and I find myself pinned by his dark eyes, his desire obvious and twitching behind the towel despite his earlier... stress relief.

'It's not like we haven't talked about it before cutie...' Jimin whispers in my ear as I continue to drown in Jungkook's gaze. I find I reflexively gulp, though not in fear.

'So, next time, yeah?' Jungkook says lowly, his eyes switching to Jimin who is spooning me from behind. 

'Hmmm... we'll see.' The mischievousness is blatant in Jimin's voice as he nuzzles in my neck right behind my ear..

Nodding and smirking Jungkook heads back to the bathroom to go to his room.

'Now, how about we try that again  but this time the roles are reversed...' Jimin moves to hover over me as he demands more of my time.

'But your writing...' I say feebly as he presses himself onto me, and I lose my awareness of now to his lips and tongue.


A quick shower and a lot more groping happens before I can convince him to go back to his work, but it seems as if he now has ideas flowing from him as his pen scratches over the paper furiously.

I pause a moment to observe him, his form hunched over his work, eyebrows scrunched lightly, tongue poking out as he focuses on what he's writing down. I don't want to interrupt him anymore, so I pull some of his spare gym clothes on and head out of his room, softly closing the door... walk smack into a wall. Looking up I smile at the wall I smushed myself against. 'Hi Taehyung!' I say quietly.

A nod and a smile and he looks over me at the door I just left. I realize that him being here means he's going to interrupt Jimin, so I grab his hand and pull him with me away down the hall.

'I need your help.' I say to him as we enter the main space. This has him turning his head around to look at me instead of where we came from. 

'How can I help?' He asks.

'How did you know how to deepen the soul bond?' I ask while leading him to the seating arrangement and sitting on one of the couches, pulling him to sit next to me.

'Watching.' He answers simply.

'Watching what? Watching who? Watching how?' I question further.

'What? Who? Everyone. You, Bangtan, all of us.' He furrows his brows thinking for a moment. 'How? I just watch.' Taehyung shrugs.

I puzzle over his answers, wondering at his observation skills and the logic behind his conclusions. 

'Do you watch everything? Everyone? Even before me and the soul bond?' I ask.

'If I want to understand, yes.' He nods, smiling. 'I want to understand you, so I watch you. I want to understand soul bonds, so I watch everyone.' 

'Observation is the foundation for theoretical sciences.' Namjoon interjects, entering the room. As he walks into the kitchen we turn our gazes to follow him. Pretty quickly however Seokjin's 6th sense goes off and he comes striding into the main room, words in his mother tongue coming out a mile-a-minute as he rushes to keep Namjoon from doing anything to his beloved kitchen.

We snicker as we watch a dejected Namjoon leave the kitchen while Seokjin's verbal tirade doesn't seem to end. 

It summons everyone else, and it seems we are all hungry.

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